Chapter 10

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Zeke's POV

"I'm not pouting, I'm brooding. It's how sexy men pout." I grumble and everyone looks at me questionably before laughing. They are just jealous that they can't pull off this look.

"Are you sure 'sexy man'?" Shauna questions between laughing fits. "Because it looks way more like a pout to me." I breath out through my nose and cross my arms over my chest. Unfortunately this just makes her laugh even more, if that is even possible.

"Hey Zeke, smile!" I hear Uriah shout before a camera flash goes off in my face. "You don't mind if I add this to my blackmail collection do you?" The little idiot sarcastically asks before I punch him in the stomach. "So is that a yes?" He winces and I let out a slight smile.

"Tris, Candor or Dauntless?" I turn to her so we can continue the game, only to be greeted to the sight of her and Four eating each other's faces. "Um Tris?" Still no answer. I stand up and yank them apart. "Tris! Candor or Dauntless."

She glares at me before answering. "Dauntless." She says with a smirk and tilts her head.

"Consider it revenge for the mini heart attack you just gave me." I grin and drum my fingers on the floor. "Go get me some cake."

"Are you serious? This is your revenge?" She gets up and scoffs before leaving. 'Oh no Tris, this is only stage 1' I think to myself before turning to Four as the door closes.

"Give me Caleb's number now." I demand as Four pulls out his phone. I snatch it off him and scroll through the contacts Aha! 'Caleb Prior -Erudite' Appears on the screen as the phone starts to ring.

"Hello? This is Caleb Prior speaking." I put the phone on speaker so everyone can hear the conversation.
"Hello, this is doctor Zeke Pedrad..." Everyone looks at me confused about my title. "I am glad to inform you that your sister Tris Prior is pregnant." I smirk as Four glares at me as a look of realisation at what I am doing crosses his face.

I can hear Caleb mumble and swear under his breath on the other line.

"Anyway, I am calling to invite you to come congratulate you sister on her achievement so if you would like to stop by apartment C-357, The Dauntless Compound later today I am sure she would be excited to see you."

"Okay. Um. I will be there in 15 minutes. Um, do you know who the father is?" I look around at the group who are desperately trying not to laugh... And then you have Four, he looks like he is about to explode.

"Oh, of course! His name is Four but unfortunately is no longer in the picture." Four's face turns bright red and I decide now is the time to end this conversation. "Well I have to go now." I hang up and the room erupts into laughter.

"He is gonna kill me." Four slumps over and puts his head in his hands.

"Are you scared of some Erudite?" Everyone shouts at the same time causing us to laugh even more.


Five minutes later we hear a knock at the door. "Beatrice?!" Caleb must be here already.

"Hello, I am doctor Zeke. I believe we spoke on the phone earlier today." I greet him as I open the door.
"That was ten minutes ago! Is she here? You don't look like a doctor." He barks at me. How rude. I put my hand over my heart in mock hurt before letting him in. "If you would like to wait through that door she will be here shortly. He walks through the living room and into the kitchen staring at everyone confusedly.

It only took a few seconds for Tris to then arrive.

Tris' POV

I walk through the door and everyone starts to giggle. Weird. "I got your cake." I walk up to Zeke and smash it in his face.

"Hey! I was gonna eat that." He whines and starts to wipe it off with a towel.

I just shrug and go to sit next to Tobias. "Hello again." He says in his deep husky voice before leaning in to give me a kiss.

"No PDA!" Zeke shouts and I flick him off. "Oh Caleb..." He calls out and I see my brother walk out of the kitchen.

"Caleb? What are you doing here?" I ask shocked that he is here. I haven't seen him since I went to visit him in Erudite during initiation. He stares at me with disappointment written on his face. What is wrong with him?


"It's just Tris now, Caleb." I cringe at my old name.

He sighs before continuing. "Tris, I know you are pregnant and the father is no longer in the picture but I need you to know that I am extremely disappointed with you. I thought you were better than that." What did he just say? I start to stand and I want to smack him but a pair of large hands pull me back and I end up sat in Tobias' lap.

"What the hell Caleb?" I scream at him tears filing my eyes.

"Beatrice, why are you sat in this man's lap?" He questions not caring that I am clearly about to burst into tears. Why do I cry so much? Oh I know it is because my brother is an ass.

"Four is my boyfriend! Not that you care." I scream and he looks confused. He looks confused? I am the one that should be confused!

"But doctor Zeke, I thought you said the father's name was Four." Caleb turns to Zeke who opens his mouth to answer but I cut him off.

"Doctor Zeke?" I glare at Zeke who decided at this moment to do his best impression of a tomato. "What the hell have you told my brother?"

"I just..." Zeke starts to come up with an excuse but Caleb doesn't let him explain.

"Doctor Zeke called to inform me of the pregnancy and how the father has gone AWOL." Caleb casually interrupts as if the topic of this conversation is not this drastic.

I take a deep breath and try to calm down before fixing his mess. "Okay Caleb you need to listen to me. 1. I am not pregnant... and 2. Zeke is not a doctor, he barely knows how to tie his own shoes."

"It's true." Zeke shrugs.

"Oh, okay then." Caleb starts before heading towards the door. "It was good seeing you." He finishes talking and the door shuts behind him. "But I don't approve of you dating. Finish this now Beatrice." He pops his head round the door before leaving again.

"And the award for most supportive family member goes to..." Will starts and everyone does a drum roll. "Caleb Prior!" He shouts with sarcasm dripping from every word.

Everyone starts to laugh and I just sigh relieved that he is gone. Tobias notices and wraps me in a warm hug "Just for the record, if that ever did happen I wouldn't leave you." He whispers in me ear before nuzzling his head into my neck.

"That was my revenge Tris." Zeke coughs out as he continues to giggle like a little girl.


Eeek! I can't believe my story got 600 reads! Thank you everyone. I know this chapter was kind of boring but the next will be better, I just needed to get Caleb in the picture first... As always, I don't own Divergent.

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