Chapter 18

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Tris' POV

"Both of you have just looked me in the eye and admitted you don't give a damn."

I want to run and hide but instead I push past both of them and walk back into Zeke's apartment and return to my original seat. The two guys enter and sit next to each other across from me. "Look Four has a new best friend!" Uriah shouts sarcastically pointing at the two.

"Nope, they aren't quite friends they just share a common interest." Peter joins in with the sarcasm, winking at me.

A common interest?


I feel everyone's eyes burning into me as Peter's statement sinks in.

"Lynn, Candor or Dauntless?" Zeke starts off the game, moving the attention from me.

"Candor." She says gaging Uriah with her fist. "Ah! You bit me!" She screams and retracts her arm, leaving a trail of Uriah's drool.

"Shouldn't of put your fist in my mouth then." He mumbles.

Everyone is silent before they start laughing. No mater how funny it may seem, I cant bring myself to let out more than a half hearted chuckle. It takes a few moments for everyone to regain composure before Zeke starts to talk again. "If you had to pick a faction other than Dauntless, where would it be and why?" He receives a round of 'Ooh's from the circle before Lynn shuts everyone up by fake coughing.

"Well... Erudite are a bunch of assholes." Everyone nods in agreement. "Amity are annoying." More enthusiastic head bobbing. "Candor just don't know when to shut up." Lynn says smirking at Christina. "So, I guess the Stiffs. I mean they aren't annoying, stuck up or rude, just slightly boring."

Everyone pauses to consider her answer before looking to me again. Their eyes bore into me and I am confused as to why. "Tris, I said C or D?" Oh I get why they are staring now.

"Did Trissywissy go off into La La land again?" Uriah asks pouting.

I send him a classic 'remind me to kill you later' smirk and lean back against the heel of my hands resting on the floor. "Candor." I reply still glaring at Uriah. I see him gulp before breaking the gaze.

I have memorised all the usual questions that I get from everyone so nothing surprises me anymore. It is quite a short list consisting of only 4 questions; 'What is the seventh fear?' since they all know the other six. 'What is Four's real name?' As if I would ever tell them that. 'What are Four's fears?' That is for him to say not me, and finally 'What is Four's original faction?' Again, not for me to spill.

As if on cue Lynn asks question number one. I start to take off the lace kimono but decide against it. "Intimacy." I say flatly and I swear you could hear a pin drop.

"You answered." Lynn stutters. "You actually answered! Yes! I was the one that finally got the answer out of you!" She starts to do some weird dance around the room. Everyone apart from her start to mutter things to whoever is to their side. Do they seriously think I don't know they are talking about me?

"Must suck for you Four." Peter interrupts the low rumble of hushed conversation with a smirk plastered on his ugly mug. Tobias' cheeks flush red as his head slowly turns to face Peter.

"Ha, ha." He sarcastically says and walks over to me before gently sitting me down in his lap. "I'd wait an infinity for you Tris." He whispers into my hair so no one can hear. I close my eyes to embrace the peaceful moment as he carefully leaves a trail of kisses down my neck.

I am rudely pulled back into reality when Chrissy starts to squeal. "I just thought of the best ship name ever for you two! Fourtris!" Simultaneously everyone rolls their eyes. Time to continue the game.

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