Chapter 8

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Tris' POV

"I'm a PANSYCAKE!" Uriah screams into the Pit as we burst out laughing. We should of thought of this two days ago when the game started, Christina dared him to admit to being a pansycake in front of all of Dauntless or actually be a pansycake for not doing the dare. At least now he won't call us all 'pansycakes' just for picking Candor.

"I hope you are all very happy with yourselves because thanks to Chris over here my reputation is
officially ruined!" He grumbles as we walk back to the apartment.

I feel amazing, like all the stress from yesterday has been lifted. When I went home last night I told Tobias about my chat with Eric and at first he was slightly annoyed that I had the whole emotional conversation with Eric before him, but after that he did not care anymore. We decided that today is a new day with a fresh start.

"Since that dare was literally life changing I want to do a group dare for everyone." Uriah announce in a matter of fact expression. We all exchange glances and nod in agreement. "Right I dare us all to go zip-lining." He smirks whilst looking at Tobias.

Tobias' face turns white and I see him tense up. I squeeze his hand reassuringly. "Why not." He and with a face smile and we all get up to go.

The whole train ride Peter is making stupid comments about how Tobias is scared of heights. "What if the harness breaks or the wire snaps?" He constantly invents more and more sarcastic scenarios involving us falling to our deaths.

"Shut up Peter." I scold him.

"Ooh look the almighty Four needs his girlfriend to defend him. "You know I see why you like her now... she is quite feisty." Peter smirks. "You don't mind if I borrow her some when do you?" I see Tobias' jaw clench as Peter walks over to me and leans his elbow on my shoulder. The train car goes silent as everyone stares at us three waiting to see what happens next. "She isn't much of a looker though is sh-" But Peter doesn't have time to finish because Tobias picks him up by the scruff of his shirt and dangles him out the train's door.

"Would you like to repeat that from your current position." Tobias growls in his scary instructor voice. Peters legs flail around in the wind as his hands try to loosen Tobias' grip.

"No" Peter chokes out. Not so brave now are you? I think to myself. But then I realise... Peter is in the same situation that I was when he held me over the Chasm.

"Four put him down." I don't even realise what I have said until everyone is staring at me questioning me with their eyes.

"But I wanted to throw him off the train." He pouts slamming peter into the floor of the train car.

"Then you would have been no better than him." I say while my voice breaks threatening the appearance of tears. I turn around to hide my face so they don't see.

"Is this about what happened at the Chasm?" Al says in an apologetic tone. I don't know what to say so I just nod still with my back to everyone. "Tris I am still sorry about what we did to you but it was a mistake, the  stupidest mistake I ever made." Al continues to explain. I feel warm arms wrap around me and the smell of lemon grass and expect it to be Tobias but when I look up I see Al. The look on his face says 'sorry' in every single way.

"Well now the emotional chit chat is over..." Peter interrupts the silence from where he is sprawled out on the floor.

"Shut it Peter." I interrupt him and go over and take Tobias' hand in mine. "Just because I stopped him from throwing you off the train to you undeniable death does not mean I forgive you for drugging my friend and forcing him to try to kill me. And let's not even discus what else happened that night." I hiss at him. Wow. Just wow. I feel a massive weight lift off my shoulders. I bottled up all that anger from the attack and let it out.

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