Chapter 22

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Tobias' POV

"Hmm, I don't know, I kind of want revenge for my tattoo so Tris, Candor or Dauntless?"

I watch her as she bounces around in her seat. "Dauntless." She replies nodding her head vigorously. She isn't sat next to me, so it is easy for me to view her every move; Tris is sat between Christina and Eric.

"Amity. Bread." Is all he says before going in to the kitchen. "All of it." She shrugs and rips a piece off before popping it in to her mouth.

"Is there any jelly at least?" She says whilst slowly nibbling another piece.

"Um no." Shauna says handing over a glass of water as well.

She is almost done eating when she starts to dance around the room like a lunatic. "Duck. Duck. Duck..." She goes on for ages smacking people round the back of the head. Violent girl. "Goose!" She screams and smacks me round the back of the head, hard. I watch her run to the other side of the circle before she stops and innocently smiles at me. "You're supposed to catch me." She whines before running again.

I forget about the fact that she would barely even look at me just a few minutes ago and start chasing her round Zeke's house. I end up following her through to the kitchen, into the bathroom and through to the spare bedroom. She backs up into a corner grinning at me the whole time. "Oops, looks like I'm trapped." She shrugs and sticks out her bottom lip in a pout. "Now what are you gonna do?"

"This." I reply and slowly bring my lips to hers. I like Tris on peace serum, she is fun but also a tease.
Her small fingers find their way in to my hair as I push her up closer to the wall. Carefully, without breaking the kiss, Tris wraps her short, muscular legs around my waist and I am forced to hold her up by her but. I'm not complaining about anything that is going on right now

We stay like this for a small infinity until it suddenly stops. Tris drops to the ground and ducks out between my legs running back into the living room to join everyone. When I walk back in she is already sat down and swaying whilst attempting to plait Christina's hair. I say attempting because she has made it look more like a rat's nest.

I watch as Christina squirms under Tris' small hands. "Shut up, sit still and let me do your hair!" And this is the grumpy side of Tris emerging as the peace serum wears off. "Will, Candor or Dauntless!?" She shouts getting well and truly pissed off at Christina. Will starts to take off his shirt and Tris glares at him confused. "What are you doing? You need to answer first." She says finally releasing Chris' hair from her grasp.

"I am not doing or saying anything whilst you are like this" Will explains and removes the shirt. "Uriah, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless!" He shouts receiving scowls from everyone.

"Sticking to the serum theme, I dare you to go on truth serum." Will says whilst putting an arm around Christina's shoulders.

"No!" Marlene shouts and tries to yank Uriah's shirt from him. What does she not want us to know? When she can't get his shirt of she goes for the pants. The sight is hilarious and everyone is laughing apart from her and Uriah. When she eventually gets them down to his ankles she turns back to Will who is rolling around on the floor like the rest of us desperately trying to stop laughing but failing miserably. "He won't do it."

"Well now we know who wears the pants in this relationship and it's not Uriah." Zeke says as his laughing fit ceases. "Both literally and figuratively." Unfortunately this causes everyone who managed to stop laughing to start again.

"Marlene, Candor or Dauntless?" He smirks pulling her on to his lap.

"Candor, I don't intend on being part of your revenge plan." He says turning her body slightly to look at him.

"What was it that you didn't want people to know so much that it caused you to literally rip my clothes off?" She stands up off his lap and walks to the other side of the circle before swiftly taking her shirt off.

"No touching for two days." She says glaring daggers at him.

"What!?" He shouts and his mouth hangs open. "That's not fair! You're my girlfriend!"

"Tough." She shrugs and turns to her next victim only to be interrupted by Uriah's protest speech.

"This is against my human rights!" He starts and stands up trying to look all serious which by the way fails since he is pant less and his hair is still neon pink. "I don't even know what you didn't want me to say, so how is it fair that you punish me? Make me clean the apartment, do the dishes or buy you flowers but two days! Are you serious woman? What if you are falling in to the chasm and I am close enough to catch you but can't because you said no touching? What if there is no Dauntless cake left and I need you to hold my hand and say 'we will get through this'." He says the last part mimicking her voice.

"Oh Uri..." She starts making puppy dog eyes. "I will say 'tough luck, suck it up buttercup' and walk away." Uriah grumbles something under his breath before sitting back down. "Four, Candor or Dauntless."

"Dare." I say. I am not worried about Marlene, her dares are not normally that great but she uses strategy with her truths; wait until you can't chicken out.

"I dare you to throw knives at Tris again... Since us Dauntless borns didn't get to see it the first time round." I see her look over to Tris and notice them both nod their head slightly. Time to relive old memories.

Tris' POV

How did I get back in this position? Why am I doing this? Am I really about to let him throw knives at me again?

I stand in front of the board, my head doesn't even reach the centre of the target, but it doesn't matter. I look at Tobias' knives: one in his right hand, two in his left hand. Just like before.

My throat is dry. I try to swallow, and then look at Tobias. He is never sloppy. He proved that last time. He won't hit me. I'll be fine. But I don't trust him. Everything about him terrifies me. How the hell could we have ever dated?

Tobias' eyes are still on mine when he lifts his hand, pulls his elbow back, and throws the knife. It is just a flash in the air, and then I hear a thud. The knife is buried in the board, half afoot away from my cheek.

I close my eyes and prepare for the next knife. "Eyes open Tris" He taps the spot between his eyebrows and flashes a slight smile. Is this fun for him? To scare the living daylights out of me?

I don't think I just act. "Shut up Tobias!" I scream and run out of the training room, sobbing in hysterics. What is happening to me? And more to the point, why the bloody hell do I cry so much?


Ah yes, our beloved knife scene with a twist. 

As always, I don't own Divergent and you should know that by now.

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