( p. maximoff ) loopy

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GENRE: fluff, established
NOTES: requested by MyGodsItsAFandom, they asked for an imagine where peter takes care of the reader, who just had their wisdom teeth taken out. hope u enjoy <3 also i just reached 1k followers which is exciting!!!!!!!! i never thought i would.


"Hey, hey," Peter chided as you braced your weight on him, pushing you back gently so that you were in the passenger side of his car, "Sit still for a second, hon."

You obliged, blearily smiling at him and giggling, letting go of the grip you had on his sleeve so that he could finally close the door and get into the driver's side. You just gotten your wisdom teeth out, and Peter was fairly certain you weren't going to have clear thought for the next half hour at the very least. He knew you'd been really nervous to be around him while you weren't in your right mind, but you eventually had to find someone to take you. And no one was better or more loving than your boyfriend.

You could feel him tug at your seatbelt and clip you in, and you tilted your head to look at him. Your head was foggy, and all you could think about was how beautiful he was as he finally got the engine running and pulled out of the doctor's parking. His silver hair had grown out, long at his shoulders, and his one arm was leaning against the car door as he held the wheel languidly. He must have noticed how quiet you were, because he look over at you momentarily, an adoring smile on his face. You probably didn't look the prettiest right then, but he didn't care.

"What's up, baby?" He asked simply.

"Nothing," You remarked, muffled by the cotton balls still filling your cheeks, which caused him to chuckle at you - you didn't notice, or didn't seem to care. It was an obvious lie and he knew it, but he assumed you were just being stubborn for the sake of it. "You're just pretty," You mumbled.

"Is that so?" He remarked with a raised eyebrow, challenging you playfully in your state despite himself.

You rolled your eyes at him, crossing your arms and shifting down in your seat to get comfortable. He couldn't help but admire you with a broad smile, because you were still just as adorable as ever to him, even when you were loopy.

You were wearing his hoodie, as you'd insisted before you even went in (he didn't know why you liked it so much, but you said it smelt like him), looking cuddly as ever as you pulled your knees to your chest. Soon, you were dosing of to the thrumming of Peter's car and the tune of the music he was playing for you.

When you finally got home, Peter couldn't help but sit for a moment, watching you as your chest rose and fell slowly, calmly. He always thought you looked sweet when you slept. The thought came off to him as strange. He never thought he could think something like that. That he could love someone so much. But a lot changed when he met you. You were the first person to do that to him.

You woke up when you felt a gust of wind, and your hair whipping around your face. Peter had placed you down in your bed, the covers already nestled over you before you could really even give a groggy reply. You looked up at him with bleary, wide eyes, "Baby. . ." You said, with seemingly no intent on carrying on or elaborating. The bed dipped by your side as he sat on the mattress next to you, watching you curl into the duvet in order to find warmth.

"Yes?" He queried, a smile on his lips that you couldn't see, your eyelashes fluttering as they closed once again. It was almost like you were sleep-talking, and he was sure you wouldn't remember much of what you said when the drugs wore off. His hand drifted up to your hip, where he held lightly, just to make sure you knew he was there. His hands were big, and you loved to hold them and kiss them and play with his fingers. Just the thought of it made him fond and warm.

"I love you," You murmured, soft, but just clear enough for him to hear you plainly.

His heart rate immediately sky-rocketed. You'd been dating for a while, and you clearly trusted him enough to take care of you - but neither of you had said something like that. It was the first real relationship for the both of you, and neither of you were willing to ruin it by rushing in and scaring the other off. You simply adored each other, and it was obvious to everyone around you. Peter didn't think he'd ever felt for someone like he did with you. He couldn't get enough of you; from the moment you met, he did everything to be your friend, and from your first date, he worshiped you. The idea that you knew you felt the same way about him made him really happy. No, something he couldn't explain just yet.

He leaned over to brush your hair from your face, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead. He watched your lips tilt upwards slightly, sighing in contentment down at you. The light coming through the curtains made you seem picturesque, and Peter knew that he wanted to remember that moment forever.

Only you could turn a doctors visit into something this special for him. He couldn't help but shake his head in something akin to disbelief, chuckling under his breath.

"I love you too."

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