( p. maximoff ) sucker

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GENRE: fluff ! (+ make out scene)
WARNINGS: sexual themes
NOTES: none. this wasn't requested and is ALL for my sake lmaooo. the first part has been sitting in my drafts forever.


You and Jubilee had a running gag in your friendship, and that gag just so happened to revolve around Peter Maximoff

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You and Jubilee had a running gag in your friendship, and that gag just so happened to revolve around Peter Maximoff.

Both of you thought he was totally hot, which you'd admitted to each other one day long ago. Ever since then, you two did this thing where you'd pine over him simultaneously. And although you both, of course, thought he was cute - it was mostly in a joking way (at least, that's what you like to tell yourself).

For instance, as of then, you and her were sitting in the common room on a hot Summer's day. The two of you were sprawled out on one of the couches, clad in shorts and vests, hair up, whispering to each other lazily.

Jubilee was chewing on her gum - a signature move of hers - as you both looked over at Peter.

He was laid across an entire couch on his own, eating an orange sucker that he'd no doubt stolen. As Summer progressed, you'd seen him eating them more and more. Perhaps it was becoming a bit of an addiction of his.

"Wow, what I wouldn't given to get a taste of that," You admitted jokingly to your best friend.

"What, the popsicle?"

"Yeah, that too." You replied, which only caused her to start giggling, you joining in despite yourself.

It was certain that you had more of a crush on Peter than Jubilee had. Hers was more an admiration of his looks, and you were kind of actually into him. This was only proven more when he looked over at the two of you, noticing you laughing while your eyes were set on him, and your stomach erupted in a full chorus of butterflies.

He'd finished his sucker, chucking the stick somewhere on the floor behind him. You rolled your eyes at him, but couldn't help but blush under his intense gaze.

He raised a single eyebrow at you, before breaking into a smile.

You couldn't seem to look away from him, only doing so when you saw Jubilee in front of your line-of-sight, instead of him. She raised an eyebrow, laughing slightly. "Really?" She asked, obviously having tried to get your attention before.

You shrugged with a smile, not particularly upset that you'd gotten caught.

"I'm gonna go and catch up with Jean. See you later, okay?" She asked, and you nodded. "Don't cause too much trouble while I'm gone." She winked at you playfully, before finally leaving.

You were chuckling under your breath as she disappeared out of the common room, her tight pony tail swaying behind her as she walked. Once she was out of your eyesight, you shifted down in your seat, grabbing the book that you had abandoned when she'd come to sit and talk with you. You flicked it open to where your book mark lay, and began to read silently, enjoying the sounds of people bustling around, and the sunlight pouring through the windows.

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