how you cuddle

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Scott loves to spoon, and definitely loves to be the little spoon more than anything else; especially when he is upset - sad, angry, or tired. He loves the feeling of your arms around him, and of his back against your chest, holding his slightly smaller body to you. More often than not, you intertwine your fingers as your arms wrap around him, and he adores leaning back to leave kisses on your lips, whispering a sleepy "I love you" against them.


Warren holds you with your head pressed to his large chest. His arms are always around your back, holding you as close as he can, afraid that the first good thing in his life since his childhood would slip away. His wings wrap around you protectively, encompassing you so that the only thing you can see is him, and vice versa. The outside world can't bother you as Angel whispers how much he loves you into your ear, leaving kisses on your temple.


Alex mostly lays with his head resting on your chest or stomach - and although strange, is the product of him always arriving to bed late, simply lazily taking off his shoes and diving into the sheets, locating your body and latching on. He almost always lands up with his head on your stomach, one arm underneath your body and the other resting where his head lay, feeling the skin of your abdomen where your shirt rises up slightly. It's similar when his head is on your chest; he simply sighs and breaths you in, his hand trailing all over your body, having missed it during the long day.


Peter loves to spoon, too. Except he's mostly the big spoon. Almost every time you lay together, you end up a little bit further away from him than he likes. He simply slips his arm around your waist, bringing you into his chest, and nuzzling his nose into the back of your neck - often followed by a whisper of "C'mon, sweetheart", or a "You know I don't bite, baby", making you smile as usual. He usually peppers kisses along your neck and shoulders, making you sigh and relax into him even more, causing him to grin against your skin.


When you cuddle with Kurt, you always trace the patterns that emboss his midnight blue skin. His tale tangles among your mess of legs as you simply run your fingers all over his arms, which usually find their place holding your hips securely. You don't talk much, but he often hums hymns to you under his breath, or sings you German lullabies to send you off to sleep.


Jean loves to be able to see you and kiss you when you cuddle - so you lie facing each other, foreheads touching and arms wrapped around each other's waists. Your legs tangle, and she nudges your noses together, leaving sweet kisses all over your face. You both constantly whisper loving things to each other, sharing the same air. When you get too tired to speak, closing your eyes and letting your lips part slightly, she'll kiss you once, before letting you dose off while allowing her adoring telepathic thoughts to fill your head.


Jubilation absolutely adores being all over you. That means that cuddling is basically just her laying directly on top of you, her face buries into your neck, legs tangling with hers, and arms around your body. Your hands lay either in her long black hair, fingers running through it (much to her contentment; producing happy sighs and little purrs), or are on her back under her shirt, tracing imaginary patterns on her skin.


She lies with her one leg wrapped around your thighs, her body half stretched over yours, and her hand holding yours, fingers slotted together. Her white hair would be just under your nose as her head rested on your shoulder, and you often rest your cheek against her head. Your free hand grabs onto her hip, holding her tight to make sure that she feels safe with you. And she always does. You can tell in the way her breath always steadies when you lie together, and how she listens to your soft words and ramblings to calm herself down.


You lay facing each other, but your face is always pressing into Hank's chest, able to smell his scent and hear his heartbeat from where you lay. Your arms loop around him and your hands rest between his shoulder blades, as if hugging. His hands find their place on your back, too, rubbing gently. He leaves kisses on the top of your head, and whispers how much he appreciates you into your hair - and you, in return, do the same into the material of his shirt.


Erik lays facing up in the bed, and you lay your head on his shoulder or chest, feeling his deep and relaxing breathing underneath you. His one arm lies underneath you, his hand coming up to play with your hair gently. Your one arm is simply under him, and the other drapes over his stomach, playing absently with the material of his shirt. Your one leg reaches over his, and he that's how he likes it. He loves the feeling of you all over him - it always manages to make his heart flutter.


Charles isn't huge on cuddling, but he loves to reassure you that he is always with you. Whether this is by lazily intertwining your hands and rubbing his thumb along your knuckles among the sheets, or by placing an arm loosely around your waist or stomach (which, come to think of it, is kind of cuddling in a sense). But sometimes, on worse days, he likes to bring you close to him, hugging you against his chest and allowing you to lie on top of him, reassuring himself that you're with him, and always will be.

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