( s. summers ) empathy

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GENRE: fluff
NOTES: yes jean grey has a plan <333 i'm gonna make a follow up to this for sure! it's been a draft since i started this book like 4 years ago lmao and i finally finished and edited it.

- b


It had become somewhat of a tradition at Xavier's school, that on a Friday night, your entire group would hang out in the common room until the early hours of the morning (by special permission of Charles himself, of course)

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It had become somewhat of a tradition at Xavier's school, that on a Friday night, your entire group would hang out in the common room until the early hours of the morning (by special permission of Charles himself, of course). You'd mostly just goof off, watching movies, talking, eating, and playing bogus party games.

Tonight was a pretty fluid game of truth and dare, that involved mainly truths, and random people shouting stuff for other people to do.

"Okay, okay. But isn't it about time that (Y/n) showed us her powers?" Jubilee asked with a sly grin, Peter whooping at the idea, and everyone else agreed enthusiastically.

You had arrived at the school a few months earlier, and settled into their friendship group quickly. Yet, they'd never seen your powers. It wasn't because you were trying to hide anything, but simply because the opportunity never arose to do so. Your friends had obviously become curious, and at this point, you were drawing the reveal out just to piss them off a little.

"Why should I?" You crossed your arms defiantly, smiling when they all groaned.

"Because if you don't, we'll make you lick the inside of Peter's shoe as a forfeit," Jean told you, and you simply chuckled in response.

"Fine." Your hands went up in surrender, looking over at Peter, who held your feet in his lap (a usual thing for the two of you) as you both sat on the couch. "I'll do it."

Everybody cheered while you rolled your eyes. "So . . . " You began, looking around at your friends. Jean and Jubilee were sitting cross-legged on the floor, and Scott was sitting there too, his legs stretched out and his back propped up against the same arm rest you were leaning against - making his head right beneath you. Kurt, the sweetheart, was knocked out cold on a Lay-Z-Boy to the left of Peter - he was probably going to be really bummed that he missed you revealing your mutation after so long, but you still didn't have the heart to wake him up. "You guys already know that I'm an empath, right?"

They all nodded, eager to see what you could actually do.

"Well, I can basically feel people's emotions when I touch them, as well as the cause of those emotions. I can also control people's feelings." You told them, Peter letting out a low, impressed whistle.

"Show us," Scott told you, speaking up for one of the first times that evening (he always seemed to be stuck inside his own head), craning his neck to look up at you from the strange angle. "C'mon, (Y/n) . . . please."

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