( a. cluney ) all or nothing

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GENRE: angst, fluff
WARNINGS: mentions of violence, possible murder, etc. sexual themes.
NOTES: this is a fanfic for Axel Cluney/Zeitgeist (as seen in deadpool 2). i posted it here bc he's technically a mutant and maybe you guys would like him! he's in x-men comics so it counts lmao. i also posted it in my multifandom imagine book! :)


"Listen, I just need you to take care of this lady for one week

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"Listen, I just need you to take care of this lady for one week. That's it. And then you can carry on doing whatever the fuck it is you do around here." Wade told the other man, placing down a yellow manila file on the table in front of him. Axel couldn't imagine that he'd done any of this work or research in his own, never mind organize it into a folder.

Curiously, he picked it up, flipping to the first page, where your image was. You were pretty, no doubt about it, but not generally his type. The kind of girls he hung around could handle something a little bit more grimy than your life style. You were the daughter of a man who owned a high-end art gallery, that dealt with arms deals and drug trafficking on the side. Your father had always been smart, and made real investments alongside his crimes; before the police could get him, he was already in the pockets of all the people rich enough to put a spanner in the works during an investigation. So, besides the risk of people in rivaling business, you were mostly safe. Mostly being the optimal word.

Lately, someone had been trying to move in on your dad's territory. You didn't know much about that world, and you were happy about it. It made you feel a lot safer knowing that the public were aware that you had no criminal dealings; it made it less likely for anyone to see you as a target. Mostly, you lived on the other side of town to the gallery, and led a quiet life in a normal neighborhood with a normal job. That was, until the moment Wade Wilson showed up on your doorstep.

You couldn't help but stand trapped in your spot, not quite aware of what was going on. It wasn't every day that someone in a spandex suit was on your welcome mat, especially considering that you didn't get involved in anything that would constitute having a hero or a villain near you.

Wade explained that your father had hired him to watch over you for the next couple of weeks, and that there was reason to believe that people were legitimately after you. He shoved a piece of paper in your face, and it was clearly photocopied from a letter; detailing why and how they were going to kidnap you to hold leverage over your father. Sure, you didn't know any business dealings, but he cared about his daughter nonetheless. A lot of people would pay to have your head just to see his whole legacy fall.

Your father called you later that day over Skype, trying to tell you how good it was for you. You tried to tell him that Of course it was, because the only other option was dying. You often had to bite your tongue, and resigned to the fact that you'd just have to deal with it.

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