( s. summers ) empathy, pt. 2

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GENRE: fluff
NOTES: @mxi @snuggly _naomiwrites requested a part 2 love you <3. also sorry if u saw this get prematurely published. i write on my phone and the publish button is annoyingly close to the save one lmao sorry. but here it is, hope you enjoy it <33 there's gonna be more bc i apparently love series lmao.

- b.


By the next day at lunch, Jean had already told Jubilee about your plan. You couldn't help but roll your eyes, somehow not expecting it when you always shared everything between the three of you. Jubilee told you she swore it to secrecy, but for some reason that didn't make you feel any better.

"Have you noticed anything different with lover boy?" Jean asked curiously, leaning slightly against the table you all sat at. You were across from your friends, shrugging at her question while you tried to hide your the blush that erupted on your cheeks.

"Nothing . . ." You thought back to the night before, and how his lips had touched to your cheek, and how flustered both of you were when you said goodbye. He'd never done something like that before, no matter how close and affectionate you were. "We don't even have classes together until sixth period," You divulged, but neither of your friends looked like they believed you. You couldn't blame them. They practically knew you better than you knew yourself.

"There's something," Jubilee remarked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Don't make me use my powers, (Y/N)!" Jean warned, but you could tell she was just teasing you with the way her lips curved into a smile. She'd never invade your space if you didn't want it that way, and only really used her abilities to communicate with you telepathically.

"Fine . . ." You confided, and Jubilee couldn't help but gasp triumphantly, "He did . . . he kind of leaned in and kissed my cheek last night."

Your friends couldn't hold back their squeals, and you laughed at their antics, still feeling how warm your face was as you remembered what it felt like.

"Oh, he was probably going in for the kiss but got too nervous!" Jubilee suggested, which only served to make you even more embarrassed.

Jean looked at you expectantly, asking a silent question. "No ways, guys! It wasn't like that," You stuttered out, and the two girls couldn't help but laugh, knowing better.

"Well, if it isn't - maybe it's because he's too shy," Jubilee shrugged, pulling her books out so she could do some last minute homework (what was new?), "Try being more affectionate. It will show him its okay for him to be like that with you," She suggested.

Your stomach erupted in butterflies at the thought, and you didn't think you could do it. Scott and you were pretty touchy, but you never really did any of it so intentionally. It was usually when you hugged or held each other absent-mindedly, when you were sleepy, or happy, or trapped between others on the couch while you stayed up.

"Oh, speak of the Devil!" Jean remarked, noticing someone over your shoulder, coming toward your group, "Act cool, (Y/n)."

She winked at you, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes a second time, despite how Jubilee hid a giggle behind her hand, pretending to focus on the equations as the boy arrived at the table.

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