( c. xavier ) undercover

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GENRE: fluff, fake marriage au
NOTES: this is for charles bitches where u at????? 💗♥️😤💓😌💗 i wanna do a part 2 lmaoo


After what happened in Cuba, all of the mutants present at the beach had been hounded by the FBI

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After what happened in Cuba, all of the mutants present at the beach had been hounded by the FBI. Charles knew he could've erased their memory of you and the rest of your friends ever being evolved, but he also knew (as you'd so kindly pointed out to him), that mutants could never begin to co-exist with humans if Charles kept trying to fix everything by removing the past.

Anyone that hadn't gone with Erik that day were brought onto a team that worked for the FBI, in order to escape jail time. While it wasn't something any of you were particularly keen on, at least you were still helping out in a positive way. Charles even mentioned that humans were beginning to see mutants as someone to work with - while Alex had mumbled something about them 'using us'.

Nevertheless, Hank was helping with research for the Government along with you and Charles, and Sean and Alex mainly spent their time pretending to pay attention in board meetings until some real action came up.

Sean was practically twitching with boredom on that day, sitting next to you, and across from what appeared to be quite ordinary white men in suits. To your right was Charles, who held an amiable smile on his lips.

"I'm glad you all could be here," The Federal Director voiced in an avert American accent; as if you and your friends had a choice on whether you showed up.

When he received no replies or pleasantries from your side of the table, he raised an eyebrow and carried on instead, "As of last night, we received intel that Lord and Lady Sharipova of the USSR are laying low at a country club on the West Coast. We would send our own men in, but I suppose they would seem out of place in such a club. That's why we've brought this case to you, with your particular expertise, Mr. Xavier, we're sure it won't take too long before you can get some information out of them."

"What are you implying, Mr. Smith?" Charles had an amused glint in his eyes, and you couldn't help but look over at him with a smile. He was such a unabashed tease sometimes, and you loved it. His eyes caught yours for a brief moment, twinkling, before he was looking ahead again.

"What I'm implying, sir . . . is that us here at the FBI would like you to go undercover at this country club. And Miss (Y/L/N) will join you," He remarked, tossing a pamphlet for the place onto the table in front of the two of you.

You peered down at it, taking it in your hands as you examined the grand facilities in the pictures. Your eyes flickered up to look at him expectantly, not allowing yourself to react. It tended to throw men like him off their rhythm.

"You'll be assuming the part of a married couple. I've picked you two as you're the least physically imposing, and the most mature. Any questions?" He looked out at the rest of the mutants, and you could tell his words were more submissive than genuine.

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