( h. mccoy ) i'd rather be with you

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GENRE: fluff !
NOTES: this isn't that great i'm sorry ? i wanna do my big man justice. sorry guys :-/

 sorry guys :-/

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Hank was up really late in the lab an awful lot lately. Well, it's not like he wasn't most of the time - but you were quite certain that he hadn't slept in days.

You were often in the lab too, being a scientist and all (okay, and maybe it had to do with the resident doctor, too). But no one had the same kind of commitment and drive as Hank.

In fact, you'd fully given up on doing any real work, and were completely invested in trying to get Hank to go to sleep.

You were sat on the desk he was working on, legs crossed and a pout on your lips. "Listen, you're really cute when you're sleep deprived and all, but it's not healthy to carry on like this."

Hank chewed on his lip and tried to hide his blush, his hands on the table to steady himself. His eyes flickered up to look at you. "I'm so close to cracking the coding of this genus." He told you, as if it'd hinder you in your efforts.

"Hank, you know that your brain doesn't work at it's full capabilities when it's tired. And that's science." You placed your hand on top of his, slipping your fingers around it to stop him from going any further.

He flustered from your sudden touch, looking down at the floor. "I know, I know." He admitted softly.

"It's cool to be excited about this stuff, but even a genius needs to rest." You reminded, his distracting blue eyes looking up and into yours.

Hank looked so beautiful when he was sleepy; with disheveled dark hair, tired expressions, and lazy smiles - if he ever remembered to do so, anyways.

You moved your hand out of his, before standing up. "C'mon. I'm not leaving until I know you are too."

He sighed slightly, knowing that you were right. Also, well... because your skin wasn't touching his anymore, leaving behind those familiar butterflies in his stomach.

Hank began to pick up someone of his files, piling them languishly into his arms, before turning back to you - realising you were watching over him with a fond smile. He cleared his throat at seeing that, his eyes flickering away from you again in a bashful way, smiling a small smile.

"I've always wanted to ask you something." Hank said lowly, blushing slightly.

"Yeah? What is it?" You enquired equally as softly, taking a step towards the tall doctor.

"If you can time travel to any given place at any given time, why would you want to stay here and take care of me? I'm just a hopeless cause,(Y/n)." He leaned back on the counter behind him.

You sighed, not believing that the brilliant man right in front of you thought to little about himself. "Well... it's because I'd rather be with you." You admitted, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear in a sort of shy way.

"Why?" He asked breathlessly, his stomach filling with fondness and his heart pounding at a thousand miles a minute.

"If I were to mention all the reasons, I think we'd be here for a while." You confessed, taking him gently by the lapels of his lab coat, straightening them out while avoiding knocking the pages from his hands. "I, uh... I think I love you, Hank." You explained honestly.

You didn't process that fact that he'd dropped all of his files on the floor until they'd fallen with a thud - papers flying all over the place. His eyes were wide and this plump lips were parted slightly.

"E-excuse me?" He asked in disbelief, a pink colour spreading from his cheeks, to the tips of his ears.

"I think I'm in love with you, Hank." You reiterated, but saying it out loud for the second time only seemed to confirm it for you. "Actually; definitely so."

His eyebrows raised. "Oh, wow." He breathed, laughing nervously, a huge and dorky grin beginning to appear on his handsome face.

Your grip on his lapels loosened, and you decided to lean up slightly, nudging your nose against his, before leaving a feather-light kiss on his lips.

He was in even more shock when you pulled away from it, stepping back from him and the mess he created.

"Now." You laughed under your breath. "To pick up these files." You leant down to start collecting the pages, and soon Hank joined you.

You both worked for a few moments, before you noticed that he had stopped. Peering over at him, you met his eyes, stopping too.

"I..." He began, but trailed off - instead lifting his hand up to hold the side of your neck, bringing you in for an unexpected kiss, causing you to squeak. When he pulled away from you with a smile tugging at his lips, his eyes were still closed. He let out a content sigh, before opening them. "I love you too, (Y/n)."

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