( a. summers ) envelop

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GENRE: some fluff ?
WARNINGS: apocalypse warning. ew.
NOTES: i changed the request a little, i'm sorry. but i hope you like it faith133!!!!!


A blinding white light enveloped you and Apocalypse. Alex had to throw his arm up to block his eyes from it, but that didn't stop him from stumbling towards where you were. His body ached from the fight, and his chest burnt with every staggered breath he took - but he needed to get to you. He stumbled up the stairs of the building to where everyone else was, blinking and squinting against the powerful blaze that your other side was exerting.

What felt like moments before, he was saving you from Angel, your hands shaking as you held onto him, him having shot the mutants out of the sky before he could hit you with his bladed feathers. He'd immediately turned to see if you were okay, a hand on your cheek and a worried look in his clear blue eyes. And now you were saving him; no, you were saving the world.

Ignoring the mutants calling out to him, he staggered closer and closer to you, reaching the edge of the building. He knew what you were doing, and he knew that you needed to do it to defeat Apocalypse, but he didn't want your other side to take you with him. The whiteness burnt against his skin, and he could feel the heat enveloping him.

"(Y/n)," He called out, knowing that despite his breathless tone, you could hear him.

"Alex, get back," For a moment, he thought it was you, but when he realized it was Jean who was touching his arm, pulling him away from you, he squirmed. He jerked away from her grip, denying her as he looked up into the light, hearing Apocalypse scream out in pain, his voice layered with so many others causing a tingling to shoot down Alex's spine.

Jean was trying so hard to get through to you, her jaded eyes flickering open and closed as she called out to you, You'll kill yourself!, she yelled desperately, I can't lose you. We can't lose you.

You were perfectly conscious of their voices, but pushed through it. You could feel Apocalypse breaking apart like sand falling through your fingers. Despite the pain that was threatening to rip you apart with him, you carried on.

Your mind reeled with thoughts to keep you alive, to keep you going.

You pictured the first days at Charles' school, struggling to find your footing in a world that was afraid of you. You remembered the whispers and the stares that you got from even your own people; they feared your powers just like you had in the beginning. But it wasn't long until she found you. Jean could hear your thoughts, they were loud, and powerful, and lonely - she imagined it was how hers sounded. The first time you'd spoken, you'd blurted out how beautiful her red hair was. It still made you cringe to this day, but remembering the way her lips pulled into a genuine smile in reply, you couldn't bring yourself to have your first meeting go any other way. Jean was your best friend, no matter how much younger she was, and she only proved it the longer you spent together. Her thoughts in your head as you picked apart Apocalypse piece by piece; they proved it. You knew she loved you, and that was just another reason to push through the excruciating pain.

Another reason was the man that stood only a few metres behind you, disregarding the way the others stayed at a safe distance. You knew he must've been in pain, but that didn't stop him from pleading, and begging, and holding his hand out for you to come back to him. He didn't want your other side to take over completely like he knew it could, and he didn't want you to die. At least you knew that he could accept that it was for the greater good if it did happen, even if you could picture him being stubborn about it. That almost made you smile.

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