( w. worthington ) buddy holly, pt. 2

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GENRE: fluff, high school romance
NOTES: y'all love warren dont u.


"You're an asshole," You kicked him in his combat boot under the table, but didn't look up from the papers you were fervently sorting through.

"What?" He scoffed, leaning his head in his hand languidly as he continued to watch you stress. "I just complimented you!"

"Calling me a 'hot mess' is not a compliment," You rolled your eyes, snatching a paper and reading over it to see if it was the one you'd been looking for. Sighing in relief, you placed it on the pile by Warren, finally having finished what you needed for your project. Warren had already finished his, and had helped you with yours. Chemistry wasn't your strong suit, but he was surprisingly good at it.

"I called you 'hot'," He informed like you hadn't heard, and you peered up at him with a glare, trying to hide the way your cheeks heated up at your words, and the way your stomach fluttered. His hands lifted in surrender at the look you were giving him, and a smile floated onto his face, "Let's just go, you dork. Okay?" He enquired, picking up the papers for your project as you grabbed the scraps.

"Is that a British thing?" You enquired as you stood, pushing your chair in with your foot and picking up your school bag with one hand, throwing it over your shoulder.

"What?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows as the two of you walked out of the library together, arms brushing.

"Terms of endearment. You make everything sound like a pet-name," You explained, peering over to see his smile grow wider.

He shrugged slightly, his eyes meeting yours for a second, before looking ahead again. "I guess it is," He nodded slowly, "But maybe it's just because I like you and I want to endear you," He added.

You scoffed at his words. "Yeah right, Warren. Imagine you actually letting down your gaurd enough to fall in love. Seems unlikely," You laughed slightly, taking a right up the stairs toward your dorm.

He stopped on the first step, slightly shocked. If only you knew how much faster his heart beat around you, and how much he longed to hold your hand and touch you for more than just a few moments. How often he caught himself staring at you just because you were simply there, existing. If only you knew how much you made him smile and laugh and feel content. He shook his head, a fond grin on his lips as he pivoted off the step to catch up with you.


You liked to idea of having a homecoming dance at the school, which not only surprised Ororo when you told her, but also yourself. But you supposed it was nice; mutants were usually the kids that didn't get a date to the dance, and now they were asking each other.

You'd seen a few people being asked out, and it warmed your heart. It was times like those that you regretted being such a hardass. You liked the fact that people generally steered clear of you, but since the announcement of the dance, you thought that, maybe be if you weren't so intimidating, someone would actually ask you to go with them.

But you didn't want just anyone asking you to go with them. You wanted Warren. And you knew it was stupid - the two of you had been friends for little over four months, and he hadn't shown any interest in you.

"Oi. What's got you so deep in thought?" You heard his familiar voice asked, his hand waving in front of your face.

You swatted it away as you regained your composure. "Just the Biology test next week," You lied, getting up from the bench that you'd been waiting for him on.

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