how you met

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DID Y'ALL SAY 12 MEET CUTES?? NO?? well too bad lmao. also for the sake of creating new content these are mostly au's or scenarios i haven't had in imagines before.

also sorry if there's errors. this is about 5,500 words total, and i tried to keep the length consistent for each!

also tysm for 200k?? that's kind of insane and ily all so much! <33 i never expected to get these numbers and i appreciate you all so much for the love and feedback.

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( you were paired together for an english project )

Being new to Xavier's School - - you weren't exactly excited that your first assignment was in pairs. You barely knew anyone, nevermind being friendly with them. And you just hoped no one would be bummed that they were stuck with you as a partner.

It was also an oral presentation, which admittedly wasn't your favourite. The idea of getting up in front of all those people you barely knew to recite Shakespeare, was not exactly your idea of a good time. Especially when Charles was choosing the dialogue, and you just knew he'd go for all the sappy ones just to see all of you awkward teenagers squirm (you supposed even that was better than a Hamlet soliloquy).

"I've assigned you all pairs," He told you as he handed out pages to each of you, maneuvering down the aisles as all of the kids groaned - - hoping that at least they could do it with their friends. Charles tutted, shushing you as he carried on, "Now, when I say - - you will all break into your pairs. You and your partner should have the same excerpt of dialogue from any one of Shakespeare's plays. You may decide who says what - - I've already made sure that there's a fair portion for each character. You'll have the rest of the lesson to talk about the details, and you'll have to present it in 2 weeks. I'll tell you the exact date closer to the time."

By the time he'd finished, he was in the front, facing all of you. You looked down at your sheet of paper, chewing on your lip as you noticed it was at least from one of his plays that you somewhat recognized: 'Much Ado About Nothing'.

It couldn't be so bad, you thought, peering up once Charles had told everyone to find the student with the matching sheet.

Suddenly, your stomach was bubbling with an anxious feeling that had become familiar in your first few days at the school. You were looking around, overwhelmed by the different people standing from their chairs and weaving through rows - - comparing their papers with assorted reactions to see if they had a match.

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