( j. allerdyce & b. drake ) double trouble

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GENRE: soulmate au, fluff
NOTES: in this, the reader/ johnny/ bobby are all soulmates. with the soulmate au concept having a resurgence on tik tok with 13 yr olds i remembered when they were legit all over the place,, and i wanted to do one of my own. it's not the most inspired or deep plot, but i thought it was fun anyways. short and sweet x

- b.


"(Y/n), this is Jubilee," Storm introduced with a wide, welcoming smile that showed teeth just as white as her hair, "Could you show her around? and to her room?" She asked the girl, who nodded in return - - her raven pigtails bobbing slightly as ...

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"(Y/n), this is Jubilee," Storm introduced with a wide, welcoming smile that showed teeth just as white as her hair, "Could you show her around? and to her room?" She asked the girl, who nodded in return - - her raven pigtails bobbing slightly as she did so.

"Of course!" Jubilee remarked easily, taking your schedule and various forms from your hands before you could really look at them much yourself, "Oh, you're over on Bobby's side. This'll be great!" She seemed genuinely excited as she looked back up at you, her eyes glowing, "He's a great guy. I'll get him to keep an eye on ya."

Before you could reply to Professor Munroe much, Jubilee was ushering you toward the left side of the large building. You grabbed your bag (full of all the personal belongings you could squeeze in) and followed suit, waving at the teacher and shooting her a quick 'thank you' as you both disappeared down the hallway.


As soon as you got to the second floor, you could already tell that it was louder than the first, because so many people were coming in and out on the first day of arrivals at school. Sneakers scuffed against the hardwood flooring, doors being thrown open and shut as people settled down in their rooms for the coming year, hollering greetings back and forth as they met their friends and roommates. You couldn't help but feel overwhelmed, but in a good way. It felt oddly normal, somehow.

"The first level is classrooms, and the rest are dorms. The seniors - that's us - and then it goes up by grades. You're lucky you only came now! I've been waiting for the right not to climb these stairs!" She laughed, her arm linked with yours as she took you down the line of doors that were indicated by a number and letter each, "Girls are even numbers, and boy are odd," Jubilee added, pointing at them in intervals with her finely manicured nails. You stopped at 4B. "This is yours! I can totally wait up while you unpack if you'd like," She offered, and you had to admit she seemed kind, and pretty. You wondered if she'd ever want to be friends with you. You'd forgotten how to make friends in the long while since you'd attended high school, but hoped it'd come back to you naturally in some way (especially given how nice everyone seemed so far).

"Thanks," You smiled sheepishly, "But I'll be okay. Maybe you could show me more later?" You queried, tucking as strand behind your ear slightly, getting ready to open the door with a stomach full of nervous but eager butterflies.

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