( s. summers ) stud

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GENRE: fluff !


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"Hey, stud!" You call out to Scott, not knowing that his older brother was right next to him to hear.

It was Friday after school at the mansion, and Peter had promised last weekend that he'd drive you all to the mall - but you guessed that this stranger was going to join too. Not that you minded.

"Stud?" Alex asked his brother, a smirk appearing on his face as you approached. "Did you pay a really hot girl to act like your girlfriend in order to impress me? 'Cause listen, I know I'm important - being your big brother and all - but wasting the large amount of money you no doubt had-"

Scott cut him off by punching him in the arm, and finding himself blushing at the nickname, just like every other time you'd used it, ever. "She's not my girlfriend." He mumbled bitterly.

Alex raised his hands in surrender, grinning playfully. "Then I'm glad your life-savings are still intact."

You were finally in hearing distance, and that was why the boys had stopped talking. "Scott." You cooed, bringing him into a hug - his arms wrapping tightly around your back and yours around his neck. His one hand moved up to rest on the back of your head, breathing you in after not seeing you for a few days. "'Missed you." He mumbled into your jacket-clad shoulder.

You'd been back home visiting your family for your little sister's birthday, so you hadn't been around for the entire school week. You loved the time with them, but you couldn't deny how much you missed the campus, your friends and teachers, and not to mention your obvious crush; Scott. "You too, stud."

That's when Alex cleared his throat, purposefully ruining the moment.

You pulled away from Scott, smiling easily at the new guy. You were really just in a bright mood, just because it was so good to be back. Plus, maybe it had something to do with the fact that Scott's smile was as beautiful as ever, he still had that familiar scent of trees, and he made you all fuzzy inside when he hugged you (or when he existed, in general).

"Sorry." Scott coughed awkwardly, not really apologetic at all. "(Y/n), this is my older brother, Alex. Alex, this is my best friend, (Y/n)." He introduced, and you and him both tried to ignore how bitter the term 'best friend' really sounded.

You broke out into smile. "Oh, wow. It's so nice to finally meet you!" You exclaimed, offering your hand out, which he shook vigorously. "I've heard so much, and I didn't even realise. You barely look alike."

"Yeah, I got the hotter genes."

"You wish." You and Scott said simultaneously. Your impulsive comment made the both of you flush almost immediately, and Alex roll his eyes.

"Whatever." He said. "Where's the rest of your loser club?"

"On their way, I guess." Scott shrugged as he wrapped his arm around your waist as casually as he could.


On the car ride to the mall, you had your head in Scott's lap and your feet in Alex's - which he didn't seem to mind.

You were looking up at the sky and the scenery as it whipped passed the car in a pretty blur. You could feel Scott's fingers twirling through your hair, and you sighed in contentment, closing your eyes.

It was times like this that you contemplated how Scott could possibly ever think that you wouldn't be hopelessly and completely in love with him. I mean, when he did things like play with your hair, and held your head on his blue jean-clad lap.

As one of your and Peter's favourite songs came on the radio, you allowed your eyes to flutter open, smiling as you tilted your head to look over at said man's silver hair in front of you. Peter was yelling at you about it, and you only told him to turn it up, which he did. 'Sweet Dreams' flooded the convertible, loud enough for everyone that you passed to hear.

You moved your head back so that you were looking up, only to notice that Scott had been looking down at you the whole time. Your heart fluttered as you watched the fond expression on his face shift into his signature cute smile.

Neither of you said anything, instead, you kind of just looked at each other. He moved a strand of hair from your face that had blown there in the wind, and in doing so, caressed your cheek slightly. You blushed lightly upon seeing his features filled with adoration for... for you.

All you wanted to do was tell him how much you liked him, but that idea was cut short by Jubilee exclaiming that you'd arrived.

Alex, who still had your feet in his lap, was watching the whole thing unfold in front of him, shaking his head and smiling at the two of you. He wondered how long it'd take for you two to admit your feelings.

He'd give it until the end of the week.

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