( o. munroe ) types

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GENRE: fluff
NOTES: citrine_central requested ororo and i'm v excited!!!! love writing gxg ☺️💓💗 also i don't have a type + im pan lmao i think everyone is pretty. what about u guys? most of the time i don't think it's really a thing


"So, what's your type, (Y/n?)" Jubilee asked you, peering at you over the pages of a magazine, sitting comfortably in a bean bag in Jean's room

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"So, what's your type, (Y/n?)" Jubilee asked you, peering at you over the pages of a magazine, sitting comfortably in a bean bag in Jean's room.

"What's a 'type'?" Ororo asked from over your shoulder, her chin resting on it as she sat next to you on the mattress you'd relocated to the floor to sleep on.

As the oldest girls boarding at Xavier's school, you, Jean, and Jubilee naturally drifted together and became friends. It was nice to have someone to share more intimate and personal stuff with, and to get closer to within the grade - especially when the guys tended to be idiots. When Ororo came over to the school, she'd been pretty solitary for a while, because she only knew basic English; but you quickly tried to become friends with her. She took a strange liking to you, and grew attached to your side as her new best friend, and the closest person to her.

Charles seemed grateful that you'd embraced her as a person - especially because other people soon seemed to follow in your footsteps. After a while, Ororo was really flourishing, and started to open up to your other friends; namely, the girls. People at school stopped seeing her as someone they should be afraid of, and started seeing her as someone like them.

Because you mainly lived at the mansion, Charles allowed you to stay in each other's rooms on the weekends, and hang out like you would at home. All of you abused that fact, practically all living in one room when they could. For months, you would spend weekend afternoons with one of the girls at the very least - but mostly Ororo. The two of you had a mutual comfort around another that couldn't be matched, and you could simply sit in each other's presence for ages. You helped her understand like others didn't, and were endlessly patient with her. She was beautiful, and so smart, and you often caught yourself thinking about how much you really felt for her. It wasn't possible not to fall for someone like Ororo, and you were realizing that more and more as the days passed.

"(Y/n)?" Jean asked, catching your attention from where it had wandered, watching your friend that leant on you in your peripheral.

You blushed, clearing your throat in hopes that neither of your oldest friends had noticed your obviousness, "Um, I don't really know? The concept is kind of dumb. How am I supposed to like just one kind of person?"

"I know the kind of person you like," Jubilee told you confidently, her nose tilted up in satisfaction.

"Then why did you even ask?" Ororo queried, and the bluntness of her tone made you and Jean burst out laughing. She tended to have a more dead-pan attitude, but you were sure she was genuinely curious. Sometimes she came off angrier because English was her second language.

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