( s. summers ) crush

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GENRE: fluff :-) it's super cheesy.
NOTES: a warren chapter is up next!


"Hey, mom!" You exclaimed happily, setting your bag down so that you could pull your mother into a much needed hug. You practically engulfed her with how much shorter she was than you, and it made her heart burst to think about how much you'd grown in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, honey," She cooed back, pulling away from you and keeping you at arms length so that she could look your over. It had honestly been too long since you'd seen your mom, simply because you'd been away helping at the school for almost the whole year. You'd changed a lot since your mom last saw you; you were undeniably happier, and more relaxed than you had been since you'd graduated a few years prior. "You look wonderful! So bright," Her hand patted the side of your face as she beamed, mirroring your excited expression.

After a moment, you seemed to remember who was standing behind you. Moving to look back at your boyfriend, who was watching on with an innate fondness across his face, you gestured for him to come over.

"Mom, this is Scotty, my boyfriend," You spoke as he walked over to the both of you, hand extended out to greet your mother.

"It's really lovely to meet you, Miss (Y/L/N)," He commented with the charming smile you'd come to know, and fall in love with. From the moment you'd laid eyes on Scott and that smile, your knew you were done for. When you two started dating almost two years beforehand, you had told your mom about him when you came home for Christmas, and she'd waited with bated breath for the whole time since then to finally meet him.

"Thank you, dear," She shook his hand as you stood slightly to the side, your chest swelling with happiness for what was unfolding before you. You knew they'd love each other, and it made you so grateful that you could have two such amazing people in your life. "But really, you can call me (Y/M/N) or mom," She informed, and he looked so surprised by her words that you couldn't hold back a snort of laughter.

He looked over at you with flushed cheeks, searching for a response from you. Your beaming features only made his lips curve up in return, delight filling his eyes at the situation. He never thought that he'd be accepted so quickly, yet here he was, surrounded by two caring woman that only wanted the best for your relationship.

Scott peered back to your mom with a sudden kind of confidence and contentness, "Mom, then."

"Aw, Gosh, he's so sweet," Your mom looked over at you, hand to her chest. "What a darling smile he has," She remarked, and Scott didn't drop the toothy grin from his face that hadn't seemed to have dropped since he walked into your childhood home.

"I know," You told her, moving over to your boyfriend. He slipped his hand into yours like a reflex, and looked over you with the utmost affection in his gaze. Your mom felt warm at the prospect of her little girl finding such a wholesome love.

"And I love the glasses," She added, winking as she began to walk back to the kitchen. "I'm sure you can find your way up to your room, right, honey?"

"Of course, mom. We'll meet you in the kitchen," You called, before moving away from Scott to pick up your bag. "C'mon baby," You tilted your head at your boyfriend, gesturing for him to follow you.


"Your mom is super nice," Scott admitted as he put his bag on the desk in your childhood bedroom, moving over to sit on the edge of your bed.

"See, Scotty? I don't know what you were so worried about," You commented, and he only smiled gently in return. He held his hands out for you, and you met them with your own, looking down at Scotty with an expression to rival his.

Taking your words in, he paused for a moment, "I never realized you were such a geek when you were younger," He comment, looking at your walls that were lined with movie and band posters from your younger teenage years.

You rolled your eyes at him, but made no move to pull away from him. "Whatever," You said, "Stop acting like we weren't still kids when we met."

He blinked up at you slowly, savouring in the way you looked hovering above him. He had such a loving look on his face as his hands moved to your waist, strong and comforting. He pulled you down so that you sat on his lap, facing him as your arms wrapped around his neck. "All I know is," Scott's hands trailed up to hold your arms where they were placed, rubbing your skin slowly, "I totally would've had a crush on you if we'd met when we were younger, too." You'd only moved to Charles' school in senior year, so you and Scott never really shared classes or spent a few younger years together like other high school sweethearts.

You let out a little laugh, finger running through the hair at the nape of his neck. "Hmm, just like you did for months before we started going out," You teased, and he only kept his gaze on you.

"Are you kidding?" He asked, "I still have a crush on you."

You laughed again, dipping your head to capture his lips in yours for a short moments. And then he leant in to take you back, kissing you tenderly. When you pulled apart, you immediately breathed out, "I love you."

"I love you too," Scott replied simply, but as if it wasn't enough, he pulled you closer to him, the words slipping from his lips like an impulse. "I want to marry you," He whispered.

"What?" You were taken aback, but Scott knew you weren't upset.

"Marry me, (Y/N). God, I've never been happier than when I'm with you. I love you so much. What do you say?" He gleamed, expectant eyes trained on you, filled with warmth, and excitement, and a compassion you'd come to know on such a personal level.


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