( s. summers ) cherish

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GENRE: little angst, mostly fluff!
WARNINGS: there's insecurities regarding looks/weight mentioned.
NOTES: this is for hpthalia who is actually an angel!! sorry it took so long and i hope you like it hon <33
reader is insecure about themself, but Scott (their boyfriend) always seems to know just what to say to encourage them.



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When Scott first saw you, it was instant love. Or something close to it, anyways. From the moment you met, he utterly adored every part of you in a way that his friends would never let him live down.

Scott wasn't particularly shy, or outgoing - - but he was always the one to reach out first when it came to you. He didn't think he could hold back from it, anyways (no matter how nerve-wracking it was to be around you in the beginning).

You were all blushes around him, and it didn't really stop as time went on, especially since you developed an almost immediate crush on him when he was so nice, and genuinely seemed to like talking to you. He'd carry your books, and always make an extra effort to see you, and ask you about your day. The more he knew about you, the more head over heels he was for you.

And yet, somehow, you never thought he'd return your feelings. You'd lament on and on to Jean and Ororo (who had to keep their mouths shut, when they knew from Scott's mouth that he really liked you) about how you never thought you were good enough for him, and that the thought of him crushing on you too, was definitely impossible. And they'd always tell you how beautiful you were, and how good of a friend you were - - but there was still a part of you that was deeply insecure with yourself. Of course, everything in the world screamed that it was unfounded - - but your anxiety couldn't help but get the better of you.

You were eventually proven very wrong. Much to the elation of all of your friends, who'd had to deal with your mutual pining up close, for a pretty long while.

He'd asked you out on a fluke. He wasn't planning it by any means, but it kind of just came tumbling out of his lips in a way that made both of you flush red. You'd been studying for a midterm together, and you looked up at him with the most beautiful, shining eyes. And he couldn't help himself, really. Not when he was already hopelessly devoted to you when you were only friends.

There wasn't a thing about you that he didn't adore: from the way you laughed, to the way it felt to run his fingers gently through your hair. How you'd always listen, and always seemed to care so much for him. And don't get him started on your body. He was endlessly lost, daydreaming about your apexes and curves with a vivid imagination.

You of course, said yes to the date, still not able to process that your feelings were requited at all. He layed out a picnic for you in the manor garden, tucked in a little corner in the rose garden that Scott made everyone steer clear of for the day. It was utterly perfect, and you'd been dating ever since.

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