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10th September 2019

@BellaJohnson posted to her story.

The Vancouver morning Air was crisp as I stepped out of the lift and into the car park designated for my floor

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The Vancouver morning Air was crisp as I stepped out of the lift and into the car park designated for my floor. It was 6:30 and I had half an hour to get to the set so I'd left with plenty of time to stop for a coffee. I hadn't lived in Vancouver long, originally from England, it meant that I only had my roommate and best friend of 14 years as she'd decided to move out here for college. I'd had the odd job but my main goal was to come here and work as part of the makeup or styling teams on a film/ TV show and this was the first one I'd booked.

There was hardly any traffic due to the early hour and I drove through the city slightly admiring the beginnings of a beautiful sunrise. I didn't know if this was the place I was going to stay forever, but it was definitely feeling a lot more like home than England ever did.

"Good morning, welcome to Starbucks what can I get started for you?" A female voice sounded through the ordering system.

"Hi, could I get an iced caramel Macchiato please?"

"Whats the name and size?"

"It's for Bella, and Just a medium, uh that's grande I think is it not?"

"It is indeed, can we get you any food today?"

"No thanks just the coffee please."

"Okay, drive round when you're ready."

I admired how energetic they could be first thing on a morning and smiled widely when I was met with a huge grin at the payment window.

"That's just $4.75 please! Will you be paying cash or card today?"

"It's card please if that's okay." I held up my card to the girl and she wanted no time in loading up the card reader for me to tap it.

"That's all gone through perfect and they're almost done with your drink. I must say, I love your outfit today!"

"Oh, uh Thank-you, you're too sweet, I just went for a comfy look."

"Well it looks great! Where are you from? If you don't mind me asking."

"No no of course not, I'm from a place called York in England. Moved here with my best friend not long ago."

"Oh cool! I hope you're managing to settle in well Bella. Here's your drink, you have a good day okay?"

"I will do, Thank-you for being so lovely." She waved as I rolled up my window and drove off out of the car park also making a mental reminder to go there a lot more often if I needed a morning pick me up.

It was getting brighter by the second and I made my way to the address I'd been text by Kenny managing to arrive at 6:50 leaving me enough time to check in comfortably. The lobby to the building was lovely and warm and I walked up to the desk once a tall blonde boy had gone through his signing in process.

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