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2nd October 2019

I was unbelievably nervous and my closet looked like a bomb had gone off inside of it. There was no logical reason for me to be this scared, Owen and I had spent almost everyday of the last month together and I knew I was going to enjoy myself. But I realised that we'd never actually been anywhere other than on set and in our apartments on our own and we really were going on a date tonight.

"I can see you staring at the clothes Bella, close the closet door you don't need to get changed again."

Kyra had witnessed the entirety of my meltdown whilst I was getting ready, there was possibly some frustrated tears at one point but I wasn't prepared to admit that to myself.

"What the hell is wrong with me Ky." I sucked in a deep breathe of air and leant back in my wheely chair with a palette in my hand to do some eyeshadow.

"You like him a lot so it's understandable to be nervous but just remember it's just Owen, you're comfortable with him. Like Cmon Bella you can share a bed, make out against a car and act like people that have been together for years; if you can do all of that you can survive a date together."

"I know But I think I'm going to be like this until we actually go because my mind is really betraying me right now."

"What time did you say he was due again?"

"Quarter past 6."

"I don't mean to alarm you any more but that's literally in 7 minutes."

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck." I finished my left eye and made sure my hair was under control.

"Look, I'm going to leave you to finish getting ready but make sure you take a few deep breaths You'll be okay."

"Okay Ky, I'll let you know how it goes."

"I have all the faith that you're going to love it. Talk soon."

"Thanks babe, love ya."

"Love you too!"

And with that she was gone. I decided that my neck looked a little bit bare to I picked a few more necklaces to wear with my mums that I never took off. There was officially nothing else that I could do to be ready so I grabbed my purse and sweatshirt because I knew if we were outside I was bound to get cold later, and went through to the mirror in our hall. I posed and took a few selfies and posted one to my Instagram story to distract myself.


The dreaded knock on the door that I was expecting finally came moments after I'd clicked post

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The dreaded knock on the door that I was expecting finally came moments after I'd clicked post. I stood up and tried to shake off my nerves whilst collecting everything I needed. As I opened the door a genuine smile appeared on my face because as usual, Owen looked hot. He had his favourite goat hat on his head with a long sleeve T-shirt shirt, dark checkered pants and white sneakers.

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