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Merry Christmas everyone! ❤️


December 9th 2019

Julie and the phantoms season One officially wrapped filming a couple of hours ago and we were all just laying around in the large break room silently basking in each-others company before we had to get ready for tonight's wrap party. Like I said in my speech I was forced into earlier, this has been the best experience of my life. I can only hope that the people I've met I'll continue to build on my relationships with them. Madison was holding one of my hands, Savannah took up the other and I was laid back against Owens chest. I wasn't even a part of the cast and they made me feel like such an important member of their family and I could not be more grateful, hopefully we had a few more seasons yet to come and Kenny wouldn't get sick of having me around.

Speaking of the job Kenny offered me, my relocation plans seem to be a whole lot more realistic because the bank account my father gave to me contained £700,000 which totalled almost a million USD. Looks like I'll be buying a place instead of renting one. After our little 'rough patch' a couple of weeks ago Owen and I have been closer than ever, talking through anything little that came up. We'd always been good at communicating but now I think we were making even more of an effort to express ourselves to one another.

"Hey guys are you two ready to go? Mrs Squire's carer leaves at 5 and we need to get back for Arlo." Charlie directed the question to us and my eyes widened at the fact it was already that time.

"Oh shit yeah, let's go get our pup."

I couldn't say that Arlo was just my dog now because that wouldn't be fair. Obviously he was going to live with me but he had a lot of people that were loving on him as though he was a human baby and I just know he's going to be the most spoilt little thing. That's if he stays little because he's grown already in the 2 weeks I've had him and he's only going to keep doing so.

"We'll see you guys at 8."

Everyone gave us another round of hugs and we made our way out to Charlie's car. It was just the three of us today because Kyra Had school but she'd be joining us at the party tonight.

"That was such an emotionally draining day and I'm just a damn stylist. I can't imagine how you guys are feeling."

"Hey don't say that, you're not just a stylist you're so much more than that to all of us."

Owen reached into the front seat to grip my hand and Charlie instantly agreed with him. The rest of the car journey was silent and we simply picked up Arlo before crossing the hall and starting to get ready for the night.

I did my makeup a bit more glam than I usually would and slipped into the short dress I had purchased with the girls a few nights ago for the occasion. As I left my bathroom I found Owen curled up sleeping with Arlo on my bed and it was only 7:20 so I decided to leave him for a few more minutes because all we'd have to do was fix his hair a little.

"Hey Ky can you come take some photos for me on the balcony?"

"Only if you do the same for me!"

"Of course!!"




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