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14th September 2019.

My dreaded alarm pulled me out of my dream about Harry styles and I was not at all impressed. I showered and put my hair in two Dutch braids before picking my outfit for the day. I then asked Kyra to take my classic Instagram picture and posted it whilst I was waiting for my bagel to toast.


🤍 Liked By OwenJoyner and 278 others

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🤍 Liked By OwenJoyner and 278 others.

BellaJohnson: Friday is my 2nd Favourite F word.

TheMadisonReyes: Don't be shy, Show us that pretty face!!
    OwenJoyner: ^^^^^
    BellaJohnson: @TheMadisonReyes
    @OwenJoyner, not enough for you to see it in
     person guys?
    OwenJoyner: @BellaJohnson Alexa play Never
    enough by 1D.
    TheMadisonReyes: ^^^Period.

Charles_Gillespie: Potty Mouth 🤭
    BellaJohnson: @Charles_Gillespie I wouldn't
    be English if I wasn't 😋

Kyra_C: I should get paid for these personal photo shoots.
BellaJohnson: @Kyra_C is my company not
sufficient payment?
Kyra_C: @BellaJohnson Save us some of that
breakfast and we're even.
BellaJohnson: @Kyra_C consider it done ;)

Tap to load more comments.

I did my usual drive and stop off at Starbucks just in time to arrive at set for 11:45, then made my way to the trailer and put all my things on the part of the countertop I'd claimed as my own. My phone fell to the floor and when I bent down to pick it up I stupidly head butted the surface.

"Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fucking fuck." I spoke through gritted teeth and clutched the side of my forehead.

"You weren't joking when you said Friday was your second favourite F word were you?" A voice suddenly spoke from the seating area behind me and I screamed very loudly.

"Jesus christ Owen!" I spoke after I realised that it was just him and Charlie now sat laughing at me and my reaction.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you'd seen us." He got up and came over to where I was standing still laughing slightly.

"You proper whacked that on your way down, are you okay? Charlie chuckled.

I squeezed my eyes shut to try and get rid of the pain when I felt a pair of hands gently touch my cheeks and turn my head slightly in their direction. It was Owen. 

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