334 9 5

4th January 2020


Its Hawaii Day 3 and this time instead of spending it on the Beach; soon we're going to be venturing out to go on a boat and do some cliff jumping. But first, Kenny, Charlie, Jeremy and I are all going for a boys breakfast whilst the girls also did their own thing. This meant that for once, Bella and I were up early and getting ready at the same time as everyone else. I was laid on our bed scrolling through my phone, glancing occasionally to just admire her beauty as she got herself ready in front of the mirror. She'd dressed herself in a pair of Jean shorts and yet another one of my "ugly but cute" floral shirts but this time it was buttoned up and tucked into the shorts instead of loose and open. I closed the Instagram app and locked my phone, before sitting up fully against the headboard and smiling widely when her eyes met my own through the mirror.

"What?" She asked sheepishly, unable to hold back her own grin. Before I could reply I noticed her slide her makeup bag across the vanity so that it was easier to access.

"You're not planning on covering up those freckles are you? I already told you how beautiful they are."

"And i told you that I don't like bringing attention to them." She teased.

My mind quickly flashed back to our conversation from the first night here.

"You've been staring at me weirdly for the last 15 minutes O, is there something wrong with my face?"

"Absolutely not!" I quickly defended, not wanting her to think that I saw her as anything other than perfect.

"Then what is it?"

I motioned for her to come closer interlocking our fingers and pulling her to straddle my lap when she was near enough.

"How have i never noticed that you've got freckles before?"

After a few hours in the sun, she already had a light tan forming but the thing that stood out the most to me was gorgeous freckles spread across her nose and cheeks. As soon as I mentioned them however a rosy blush made its way onto her cheeks and she tried to duck her head so that it wasn't in my line of sight anymore. I gently cupped either side of her face and encouraged her to meet my eyes again.

"Oh god I hate them."

"What? Why?"

"They bring me so much more attention. I always used to convince myself that people were staring for the wrong reasons."

"I can 100% guarantee you that was not the case. I didn't think it was possible but they make you look even prettier."

"Stop it." She said bashfully, blushing even more. "But to answer your original question, you haven't seen them because as long as you've known me it hasn't really been sunny at all."

"Well i cant wait until you're out in LA permanently so that i can see them everyday."

I didn't understand at first why she wouldn't like the attention that they brought, however I did know that she was never really the one to be in the spotlight. She certainly had her moments but for the most part she was relaxed and content living life in the background. Even if she did have a face that was made to be adored by thousands, fuck that, millions.

"Please don't cover them up baby."

"I'm just putting a bit of waterproof mascara on O, no matter how much setting spray I use, a full face wouldn't be pretty when we're cliff jumping later."

I shuffled off of the bed to move over to where she was standing gently hugging her, being careful not to bump her as she did her eyelashes.

"You really like my shirts huh?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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