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November 16th 2019

Being back in Oklahoma had me feeling all kinds of mixed emotions over the 3 days I'd actually spent here. At first I was excited and happy to see my family after months of not seeing them, I'd moved out a long time ago but never fully got used to being away from everyone. I met up with some old friends that weren't at college on Friday and we explored the few attractions that Norman had to offer, reminiscing on the times we spent growing up here. I missed Bella as soon as I stepped into the Vancouver airport but it really hit me just how much I relied on her presence when I FaceTimed her when I got back to my childhood home late on Friday night.

"Hey Belle!" I couldn't hold back the grin when she'd finally picked up my call after I nervously thought she must've gone to bed early.

It was 1:30 am here so in Vancouver it was only half 11 and whilst the only time she'd slept this early was when she was sick; there's a first time for everything.

"Hey baby, how are you?"

Her excitement mirrored my own and I felt my heart drop over the fact she was so far away from me right now.

"I'm okay beautiful, are you? How was set?"

She went on the explain how they'd perfected the perfect harmony outfits and Dance after a few mishaps, then much to my surprise revealed she was roped into doing the routine at one point. She explained everything else that she, Ky and Charlie had been up to outside of filming and soon it was my turn to give up the facts about my day. As I was almost finished rambling she shifted in the bed suddenly, knocking her laptop causing my eyes to subconsciously wander to the background and I immediately cut myself off mid sentence.

"Then we went to th- Are you in my bed?"

She blushed instantly and I swear to god my heart was beating out of my chest right now.

"Yeah." Her answer was extremely shy and she buried her head into the pillow I now recognised as my own. But before I could speak again she beat me too it. "I hope it's okay, I ... uh we were all hanging out and I was going to go home but your door was open and I just miss you. Like a lot, yes I know it's barely been a day. And it smells like you, makes it feel even more like your actually here. I guess you could say I'm attached"

Fuck me, I was starting to regret this little trip now. Don't get me wrong, I love being home but everything that involves Bella instantly makes me feel in a way that I never have before.

And so Saturday and all of today I spent my time trying my best to avoid seeming like I wanted to leave. My mom dropped me off at the airport at around 7pm and made me promise that the next time I came home, I'd be bringing Bella. I'd gushed to my entire family about her whenever they asked and I got over the initial shyness. The 6 and a half hour flight was taking the fucking piss, I wanted nothing more than to see the girl I liked more than I liked myself. The aircraft finally landed at around 1:20 Vancouver time and I texted her knowing that it would take me a little while to get my bag and through security.

Belle 🌹

Just landed and getting off the
plane now baby x

Okay sweetheart, we're on
our way. Will meet you where
I dropped you off! X

Can't wait 😘 x

I was so god damn whipped that I'd even found myself adapting to the British way of putting 'kisses' on the end of my texts to her. After around 20 minutes of queuing I'd finally got past security and was heading to to pick up/ drop off area. Surely enough, my car was there with Charlie and Ky sat in the front, meaning that Bella must be in the back seat. Charlie annoyingly beeped the horn attracting the attention of annoyed airport goers because it was 1 in the god damn morning.

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