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December 18th 2019

Skiing was quite possibly the best activity I've ever done. By the end of the second day on the slopes I had actually gotten shockingly good at the sport; meaning for that for the remaining 5 days I was able to keep up with everyone else on the harder runs. We wound down our time together as a group over the course of the trip, mads actually spent more time at our cabin than she did with her family because she wasn't ready to leave us yet. The goodbyes yesterday were the hardest thing I've had to face for a long time, everyone was in tears as people left to go home for the holidays and just leave Vancouver in general. The only people left were Ky, Charlie, Owen and I because we all had a couple more days before we travelled anywhere.

On Friday Kyra would be flying back home and after Charlie dropped her off at the airport he'd be driving to his family, leaving Owen and I to make the long journey back to Oklahoma. That was in 2 days, I still haven't really got Him everything for Christmas and I couldn't exactly shop with him around me. Ky was in the same boat, and I honestly think the boys were too so they're spending the day together whilst we visit as many shops as possible to find them their gifts. The plan was, shop until we find them something or the places close; and if we see them anywhere avoid them both like the plague.

"Do you have any ideas at all Bella?" She asked me as I parked up at the CF Pacific centre mall.

"So he's started wearing his earring again since filming ended and the other night he got all excited about this little dinosaur earring it was so cute. I ordered it for him it's getting delivered today but i just need to find more for him. I've got both you and Charlie sorted for our little meal tomorrow and that's probably when I'll give Owen the earring but I need to get his actual main gifts you know?"

"Yeah I completely understand, and what doesn't help me is the fact Charlie won't give me any clues as to what he actually wants."

"I know right!! It's so fucking frustrating."

A passerby gave me a disapproving look for my language, but after a quick scan of my surroundings there was no children in sight so they seriously need to get a grip.

"It makes me feel bad because I know him so well, but present buying just stresses me the hell out."

"You and me both, but Owen keeps telling me that he doesn't need a gift and that I'm enough. As sweet as that is I know full well he's going to spoil me if my birthday was anything to go by so I really need to up my game."

"You're both so soft for each other I love it."

Conversation continued to flow as we left the parking garage and entered into the actual shopping mall. I'm not sure what I expected but I've never seen this much mayhem when it comes to shopping. Both of us just stood there with our jaws slack and silently trying to get over our initial shock. I can already tell that this is going to be a long ass day.


"Next year I'm doing it all online because that was fucking awful."

"I actually found it quite fun." Kyra shrugged and unlocked the door to our apartment.

"You're joking? 9 hours that took. Nine. Whole. Hours."

"At least it got us out for the day!"

"I think I'm still ready to fight anyone who pisses me off."

"Bad day huh?" I jumped about 5 feet in the air over the addition of a new voice, out of reflex my fists raised and I spun round to face the culprit. "Woah baby, calm down. Sorry I didn't mean to startle you."

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