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Christmas Day 2019


🤍 Liked by OwenJoyner, TheMadisonReyes, Kyra_C and 1,368 others

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🤍 Liked by OwenJoyner, TheMadisonReyes, Kyra_C and 1,368 others.
BellaJohnson: Merry Christmas from me and mine. Oklahoma has gifted me with some very special people and my first proper white Christmas ☃️.

OwenJoyner: can I take a nap too?
  BellaJohnson: @OwenJoyner nope, Dinah needs
  OwenJoyner: @BellaJohnson :(
  BellaJohnson: @OwenJoyner Sorry babe

TheMadisonReyes: If I ain't sleeping like Arlo after my Christmas dinner I've done something wrong
  BellaJohnson: @TheMadisonReyes You better get
  that plate piled high mads!

Kyra_C: missing my nephew on his first Christmas
  BellaJohnson: @Kyra_C I'll give him plenty of
  cuddles from you

Christmas morning in the Joyner household was filled with nothing but pure joy. We'd been woken up at 6:30 by Hannah banging on the locked door of Owens bedroom, neither of us wanted to move because we'd fallen asleep barely 4 hours prior. However, Hannah was persistent and growing heavily impatient, at one point she threatened to pick the lock using skills she'd seen in a movie. Considering we were both still naked, we knew that we couldn't chance it so dressed in the first cosy clothes we each found.

Presents were passed around, Christmas music was playing and we all just had a genuinely lovely time as we unwrapped our gifts. Owens parents had bought me a couple of new jumpers as well as some gift cards for a few different food places they claim I need to try when I move out to LA. Luka also gave me gift cards for a few clothing shops and I couldn't stop thanking them all because them opening up their home to me was a gift in itself. Owen had truly shocked me with his gift, it was something that I had wanted when they first got released but sold out so fast, so either he spent way too much money or has amazing luck.

Owen handed over his present for me, it was a simple envelope and I was instantly intrigued. His bright smile told me that whatever was inside, he was confident I was going to like it. I felt his gaze on the side of my face as I carefully ripped open the seal to reveal its contents.

Inside were two ticket shaped pieces of paper, and when I pulled them out to read what they said my jaw instantly went slack and a loud gasp left my lips.

"Are you serious?" I finally managed to choke out after the initial shock slightly subsided.

"Very serious." My smile matched his own and I pounced, hugging and kissing his face furiously, not caring that his family were probably watching. Eventually I pulled away and once again looked down at the beautiful tickets in my hands.

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