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((The Halloween image//makeup look belongs to @emblawigum on Instagram))


October 31st 2019

Second only to Christmas, Halloween is my favourite time of year. I love dressing up, the decorations, scary movie marathons and just the overall feel of the season. It was also The holiday that inspired my love for makeup after years of doing looks on my friends. I guess I owed my entire life right now to Halloween in a way. It was 8pm and I was sat on my bathroom counter still getting ready considering we weren't leaving for the bar until around 9. Filming had finished at about 3 today and we'd all changed into simple outfits for the cast party that Madison had organised considering her and Jadah couldn't come out with us tonight. I felt bad for the girls but as soon as they are old enough we're going to have some great nights together.

Owen, Charlie and Jeremy were all getting ready in the apartment a couple of floors below us which meant Sav, Care, Ky and I were getting ourselves done up around the place; wherever there was a mirror, there was also a girl. I had put my dress on already with a zip up hoodie on my arms to keep me warm because I was planning on making the look run down my neck and didn't want it to ruin any clothing as I was changing. I'd also decided to take my necklaces off tonight because I really didn't want to risk ruining either one of them so they were delicately hung on the small hook next to my bed.

I'd managed to complete the skeleton portion of the look when I heard the front door open and the chatter increased. My eyes soon found a familiar pair of blue ones in the mirror as I tried to concentrate on the butterfly wings.

"Oh my gosh Owen."


I looked him up and down and to be honest he'd done a pretty good job at making the makeup look like he was an evil clown. 

"You look evil as hell."

"That's what I was going for Pretty girl."

He came up and stood directly behind me, leaning forward so his chest was pressed into my back and he just observed as I concentrated on making the look come to life.

"How the fuck are you making this look so easy?" He whispered after a while of comfortable silence.

"I've had lots of practice Babe." I turned and pouted my lips so that he could give me a quick kiss so my hard work didn't get ruined. "Go through and sit with the others I want you to see it complete for the first time with everyone."

I was only half way done and barely adding the colour so he agreed and kissed me one more time before walking back to join the loud group in the living room. It was around 9:15 when I finally managed to get it to look just how I wanted and I cursed myself because now I'd made us all late. Well, we weren't exactly late because the bar didn't have a specific time to be there but we wanted to be out of here by now, oops. I quickly brushed back my hair and gelled it out of my face before finally taking off the sweats and putting on the heels to look at the outfit all together. Damn, it actually worked out a lot better than I thought it would. Yes the outfit itself is in no way a costume but the makeup distracts from that and I was quite proud of being able to pull off the look. I set up my phone with the ring light and took a quick photo that I'd edit in the Uber before finally grabbing my jacket and walking out the join the others. As soon as I entered the room I was met with a multiple gasps and wide eyes.

"Oh my fucking god!" Charlie was the first to speak up and as I got further into the room they inspected me closer.

"How the hell did you do that!" Kyra spoke amazed, I'm not sure why however because she seen almost all of my best work.

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