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12th October 2019

"Fuck my life." I groaned and shoved my head under the pillow trying to block out the sun light shining in my room. I must've forgotten to shut my curtains when I got back last night, actually, I don't even remember getting into bed and going to sleep.

After checking the clock and realising it was 7:25 I shot up in a hurry because I needed to be out of the door in the next 15 minutes to be on time. I cursed my phone because the alarm hadn't gone off; I choose to believe that rather than the possibility I'd slept through it. I left my hair in the braids which were still somewhat neat and whilst scrubbing my body in a rush I noticed that there was a dull throbbing pain developing right behind my eyes. I chose to ignore it because it was probably just down to the usual long working hours. My phone was buzzing with texts on my nightstand and I hurriedly stepped into my leggings, T-shirt and oversized hoodie before rushing over to check it.

Owen Joyner Vlogs
11th October 11:48 pm.

Sleepover tonight?
I guess you're already asleep
so I'll see you in the morning ❤️

12th October 6:45

Good morning Baby, I hope
you had a good sleep x
Are you up?
Jeez you must've been tired
Is everything okay I'm worried?
Okay I'm coming up

I'm so sorry I woke up 10
minutes ago!! X

He had sent his last message 5 minutes ago and just as I was ready there was a loud chorus of knocks on the front door. I cringed hoping that they didn't wake Kyra up if she didn't have to be awake yet and carefully tip toed to the door to let him in.

"Hey is everything okay?" He asked and entered my apartment with Charlie in tow.

"I'm good I just over slept." I was trying to untie the shoelaces on my vans and Owen came over instantly to help making me flash him a grateful smile.

"Just relax for a few minutes you've got time Belle." He guided me to the sofa and sat on the coffee table to put my shoes on for me.

"Morning Charlie." The Canadian was very amused at the rush I was in and responded with a chuckle that made me flip him the birdie.

It was getting harder to ignore the dull pain behind my eyes because it was actually spreading further into my head. On the way out of the door I grabbed a chilled water and my coat hoping that a bit of hydration would help it go away. We piled into Charlie's car at 7:45 and I felt slightly accomplished that I had gotten ready on time, I was in the back with my eyes closed and head against the rest behind me.

"Are you sure you're okay Bella?" Owen finally asked after I felt him staring at me in the mirror for the majority of the car ride so far.

"Yeah why?"

"You're just very tired looking and pale?"

"I'm okay." I leant forward to squeeze his shoulder and he brought his hand up to mine to return the action. I could tell he wasn't convinced but he dropped the subject and we all piled out of the car then went straight to catering to get food. Apparently they hadn't eaten either.

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