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November 17th 2019

The drive back to the apartment building was spent strategising with Owen about how I could go about asking Kenny if he'd mind a dog, an untrained puppy to be on set.

"Honestly I think you should just say it as it is, no sugar coating because Kenny is an understanding guy you know that. Plus there's just under a month of filming left and it would only be when you had no other option I can't see him being opposed to it."

I stepped into the the elevator and looked at the picture I'd taken of him on my phone, I knew I'd have to ask and it would need to be soon. I'd already called Ky and well both her and Charlie were just as excited as we are.

"Yeah?" I paused and mentally psyched myself up as we reached my floor. "Yeah, I'm gunna do just that."

"That's my girl." Owen slung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side like he always did when we were walking. He always finds an excuse to touch or be as close to me as possible and I love it and the butterflies it gives me.

After I let us into my apartment I immediately turned on the heat because it was nearly 7pm and really cold outside. Brenda had told us that they were open until 10pm tonight and if by some miracle I made a quick decision I'd be able to go get him tonight. We'd given them proof of address and income, a virtual tour of the apartment and as soon as they saw the private dog area that was for our complex they knew he'd be getting enough exercise. I pulled out my phone and laid down with my head in Owens lap ready to text Kenny as he watched TV. Much to my surprise Kenny literally took less than a minute to reply to me and I nervously set about asking him.

Kenneth Ortega

Hey Ken, could I ask you something
real quick?

Of course Bella, how can I help

How do you feel about dogs?

Well anyone that doesn't love dogs
without good reason, cannot be
trusted in my opinion! 🐶🐶🦴

Why do you ask? 🤔

Well I went to a dog shelter today
and kinda maybe fell in love 🤷🏼‍♀️

Ahh yes I saw that on your

Now forgive me for being slightly
confused. But how exactly does
this concern me?

I trust you decisions entirely
Bella, even when it comes to
Animals 😋

Well, there's a possibility that
some days I may need to bring
him on set with me.
If it's a no, I totally understand,
I can wait!

Bella are you kidding me?

Of course you can bring the
little guy on set anytime!!

Oh my gosh what breed is he?

He's a Dalmatian puppy, 15 weeks
old and just had his last jabs!

Really Kenny you're sure??

Yes Bella I promise you I'd be
delighted for you!

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