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December 11th 2019

The lodge that stood in-front of us had completely shocked everyone to silence for a few minutes. Like we promised them early on in filming we had brought the girls skiing before everyone left Vancouver to go home. We had booked a large cabin that fit all of us that could make it, apart from mads and her family they were sharing one of their own. It was only about half an hour out of the city and I think everyone was shocked at just how different the scenery could be. After we finally snapped out of the trance I went round to the trunk to get our bags and get them inside so that the trip could start.

"Do you need any help carrying those babe?"

"I'm good Belle, take Arlo to stretch his legs a little and I'll put these in our room."

"You sure?"

"Yeah I've got it, I promise."

She stood on her tip toes to kiss me before thanking me and then leaving to go round the back with Sav, Kyra and Arlo. I couldn't help but stare after her, my stomach fluttering and heart beating fast just as it always done when she is around. She's the reason for my happiness most of the time and the one that puts up with my anxiety when It catches up to me. I find myself just staring and admiring her at random points during the day, Charlie keeps telling me that I look like I'm pining for her when she's already my girlfriend.

I think it's become pretty clear to me right now that I love her. I miss her when she's gone for the smallest periods of time. I can't look at a rose without thinking of her, or pass a dog on the street without feeling the need to send her a cute Snapchat of one if she's not right by my side. As it stands right now I cannot see my life without Bella and I really hope that I never have to.

"Owen? You coming buddy?" Charlie startled me and gave me a puzzled look but I tried to play it off as though nothing happened.

"Uh yeah, sorry about that."

"Everything okay?"

"Mhmm just got caught up in my thoughts a little Cmon."

Surprisingly he left it and we got everything from the back of the car to take to our respective bedrooms. Jeremy and Carolynn had already claimed the master and None of us had any right to complain considering they beat us here, also all of the rooms were big so it wasn't much of a loss. I was in the middle of unpacking a few things when my phone started to ring loudly in my pocket and I pulled it out to see it was my mom calling. I dropped what I was doing and flopped back onto the bed to answer.

"Hey Mom."

"Hi honey! How are you?"

"I'm good, everything alright with you guys?"

"Oh everything's great. Your sisters been asking about you, you're very missed around here. When will you be home for the holidays?"

"Erm, we're all having a little skiing break for the next week so I can't imagine it being too much longer than that."

As always my mom and I got into an easy flowing conversation all about her gossip that she could never refrain from telling me. I secretly loved it though because I missed them all more than I admit to myself. She was going on about something 'scandalous' my Aunt Laura had done over thanksgiving when Bella came up to the room with rosy cheeks from the cold.

"Hey O you in here sweetheart?"

"One second sorry mom- Yeah I'm here Belle."

"Oh my god is that her?"

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