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November 20th 2019

I learn new things about Bella at almost every single moment of each day, and it's all just helping me fall for the beautiful girl even faster than I already am. This week has been the first heavy snowstorm of the season in Vancouver and because we now have Arlo we have spent a lot of time running around dog parks having snowball fights with everyone during our down time from filming. Bella loved the snow, so did everyone else but the majority of us had grown up with a lot of it, like she'd explained to us before it was hit or miss when it came to snow where she's from. She'd spend hours in the stuff if she could, completely not caring that being in the cold so much could make her ill. I found it so endearing and hated being the voice of reason when it came to getting her inside.

We finished filming at 3pm today, it's now nearly 7 and we were only just making it back to her apartment from the complex's dog field. Like always, as soon as we were out of the cold she was shivering violently and I couldn't help but chuckle and tell her that I warned her every time.

"Go get in the shower baby, I'll make sure Arlo is dry and in his play pen."

"What about you are you not cold?"

"My clothes actually managed to stay quite dry today so I'm good, I'll be waiting for your cuddles on the couch though."

"Thanks O." She pecked my lips and then Bent down to fuss the puppy who I knew was about to sleep for hours. "Mummy won't be Long Arlo, have fun with da- Owen okay?"

He started licking her cheeks that were rosy from both the cold but also the fact she almost called me Arlo's dad. I didn't tease her about it however, I was just desperate for her to go and warm herself up. She finally pulled herself away from her baby and kissed me once more before going to shower.

"C'mere buddy let's get you dry."

I scooped him up in the towel that we had on the heater ready for him and he wriggled for a little bit at first but eventually relaxed as I dried off his fur. It only took me around 10 minutes to do and just as I placed him on his bed in his pen a knock on the door caused me to frown slightly in confusion because I didn't think we were expecting anyone. Unless they were for ky who I think was going to be back sometime soon. I heard the shower still going and smiled to myself as I opened the door knowing that she was taking care of herself. I was met with a man who looked to be around 60 years old and immediately furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Uh hi? Can I help you?"

"Oh hello. I was under the impression that this was Isabella Johnson's flat."

The British accent and use of her full name shocked me for a moment until it dawned on me who this must be, my grip immediately tightened on the door. 

"Are you her father?"

"I am yes, now where is she?"

"Does she know you're here?"

"No, I was here for business and thought I'd pop by and ask h-"

Before I could even think about what I was going to respond the words tumbled out of my mouth.

"Well I think I it's best that she continues to not know you're here sir."

"And who exactly are you to tell me what my daughter wants?"

"Someone that cares about her a hell of a lot more than you do. And don't go playing the daughter card when you can barely even remember her birthday. So, and I mean this in the most respectful way possible, please fuck off."

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