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Hey guys, I apologise for the wait on this update I've been busy since my work reopened and also got into a car accident a couple of nights ago so spent time in the hospital getting checked out. As always Thank you for reading and I promise I'll do my best to make sure you're not waiting so long in between chapters :)


October 20th 2019

"What exactly do you think I should wear?" Kyra asked from her position on my bed.

"Well I'm going like this if it helps you, it's just meant to be a chilled night." I gestured to my body and she eyed up my outfit. It was simple, a pair of joggers tucked into my socks and a tied oversized T-shirt, my hair was already down and the makeup I'd worn at work was intact so I left it at that.

We were going down to the boys' apartment and were promised alcohol along with games and the company of Owen, Charlie, Jeremy, Care, Sav and Booboo.

"So I'm not going to get there and be severely underdressed?"

"No, stop worrying about it what you're wearing right now is fine."

"If you're certain."

She left my room momentarily and came back having just changed her top. We grabbed some of our own alcohol collection and walked into their apartment along with Savannah at around 8:30p.m.

"Oh thank god you're here!" Carolynn came running over to us and pulled us into her.

"They've been driving me insane, they're so boisterous when they get tipsy together."

"Don't worry boo, we've got your back now. It looks like we need to catch up a little bit though you all got a head start."

As soon as the sentence left Ky's mouth I poured each of us girls three shots of vodka and we lined them up swallowing one after the other. My face instantly screwed up as the last one went down my throat, burning because I wasn't yet used to it. A pair of warm hands made their way around my waist, stopping to rest on the skin in between my sweatpants and shirt.

"Hey pretty girl, guess who."

"Hmmm I think I need some clues." I teased instantly knowing who it was from his voice and scent.

"Your most favourite blonde person in the world ever!"

"Oh my god, Luke Hemmings? Niall?"


He spun me around and I was met instantly with a lopsided pout in an attempt to make me feel bad. However as soon as he looked at my face his lips turned into a goofy smile. I returned my attention back to his eyes and seriously it was so unfair how gorgeous they are. The edges of the iris start of blue and as they get closer to the pupils they fade into green, they're possibly my favourite feature of his.

"I'm just kidding."

"Goodddddy." He stretched out the word and I could tell instantly that he was a bit Squiffy.

"Are you a little drunk O?"

"Pfft drunk? Me? Never, but you should do some more shots with moi."

"Cmon then."

He giddily moved us over to the selection of alcohol, his choice was tequila so I found myself wetting two lines on the back of my hand to enable him to sprinkle salt for each of the shots. We simultaneously licked the salt, swallowed the liquid, quickly bit down on a lime and then repeated the process all over again.

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