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October 29th 2019

Halloween was in two days and I still had absolutely no idea what I was going to be wearing. The boys had their outfits planned and if I understood correctly they had one for the cast party and then another to go out in later because we had Wednesday off, I sense yet another hangover coming my way.

"Owen?" He'd left me sprawled on his bed to go and take a shower, I'd already had one but he went to the gym with Charlie this morning.

"Yeah Belle?"

"Are you nearly done?"

The water had turned off a few minutes ago and I couldn't help but wonder what exactly he was doing.

"I'm just finishing towelling my hair off, I'll be out in a minute."

I stayed on my back with my legs dangling over the edge and phone held above my face praying that I didn't drop the thing on myself. I damn well nearly did when he walked out with nothing but a pair of grey joggers low on his hips exposing his gorgeous V lines. I sat up to let my eyes roam shamelessly and only stop when I heard him chuckle.

"What's that saying baby? Take a picture and it might last longer."

"Hmm, I may just take you up on that offer."

He was Bent down on the floor to get something and my stomach jolted at how his back muscles flexed.

"Did you need something when I was showering?"

I didn't, or rather couldn't answer. Why did he have to be so god damn attractive.


"Oh, yeah I was trying to think of Halloween costumes but there's other things I'm thinking right now."

I'm pretty sure he understood the hint because he slowly walked to stand in-front of me.

"There is?"

Again, I didn't answer instead placed a hand on his chest and very delicately traced his abdominal muscles all the way down to the waistband of his pants. He tensed against my touch and I knew instantly the effect I was having on him.

It was confirmed when he leant down to kiss me firmly, I fell onto the bed again and he moved us until he could comfortably place himself between my legs. His lips never separated from my own during the manoeuvre and I was impressed. I licked my tongue against his bottom lip for permission to deepen the kiss which he happily granted. One of my hands moved from his cheek and up into his hair. At first I was just running my fingers through it, something I did a lot but then I got a flashback to his little admission during our drinking game. Deciding I needed to test it out I gripped a fistful of his hair then tugged it. A low moan slipped out of his mouth and ended up being somewhat muffled by the kiss, but I heard it and it only encouraged me.

He moved his hips against me soon after and it was my turn to make some noise. I was wearing leggings so the friction and feeling him get harder felt amazing. He pulled away from my lips and kissed down my jaw before lifting the hem of my shirt to slide a hand under and check I was okay with it. To give him and answer I simply broke the contact and removed the garment so that he had access to my body. I blushed as his eyes trailed all over me with a look of pure admiration, but he was taking to long. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him even closer into me. He started to kiss my body and my hands found his hair once again. When he reached my bra he looked up at me for permission and I breathlessly confirmed.

Owen successfully managed to undo the clasp and throw it somewhere in his room. Once again his lips connected with the sensitive area and I pulled against his locks at the sensation. The way he was sucking and grazing his teeth against my skin meant that I instantly knew there would be a Mark. I pulled him back up to me, desperately needing something to occupy my own mouth. We continued to kiss and grind against each other until my phone pinged with 3 notifications at once, and then a fourth when we tried to ignore them.

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