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13th September 2019.

I was back on set after a rather uneventful day off, Kyra was at university all day so I literally sat on the sofa and did nothing apart from watch criminal minds. It was lunch time and I was once again with The boys and Madison, they were dressed in the same costumes because we had just finished filming the first scene in Julies bedroom then in about an hour mads had her first performance of 'wake up.' Owen still wasn't 100% but he was a lot more chirpy after a day of rest and medication to help speed up his recovery time.

"Not Charlie about to put Peanut butter on his eggs." Mads spoke and tried to hold a hand in-front of him to stop the tragic combination from happening.

"Charlie that's honestly criminal." I muttered after swallowing my sandwich.

"Try living with the guy, I'm immune to his crazy combinations by this point it's insane. I should've told him I was allergic to peanuts too" Owen joined in the Charlie Slander.

"Look guys, just because you don't have exquisite taste like moi." Charlie dramatically pointed to his chest. "Doesn't mean you can knock my delicacies before you try them. It's a fine dining experience."

"If that's fine dining I think I'll stick to fast food." I declared.

"I'm with Bella" mads and Owen agreed at the same time and we all stuck our tongue out at Charlie as Jeremy watched in complete amusement.

"Jeremy back me up a little bit here man."

"I don't think I can char, it's not the best thing you've ever come up with." He also cringed.

Charlie made sure to let us know just how nice he was finding his lunch for the rest of the time we were eating and before I knew it I was back in the wings of Julies garage with the boys watching as Mads performed wake up on the Piano.

"Jesus Christ that girl is talented." I whispered in awe.

"I know right! We couldn't believe it when we first met her at auditions, she presented herself so professionally. She's going to do so well for herself." Charlie spoke back and I looked at the boys who all looked like a set of proud big brothers as she performed.

"Boys we need you to stand behind her at the end of this next shot." Kenny called from his place at the garage door.

"See you in a bit Bella." They each individually said goodbye to me and I looked at their empty chairs only to notice Owen had left his Bum Bag with all his allergy stuff in. 

"Owen." I yelled lightly to try and allow Kenny to continue giving instructions in peace.

When his head whipped back around I held up the item and he smacked himself on the forehead before jogging back over to me.

"What would I do without you huh?" He spoke amused.

"Hopefully not have a severe allergic reaction with no Epi Pen in sight."

"That would be quite bad, no fun for me."

"Just take this sleeve off and I'll sort it for you. And I'm pretty sure it would be no fun for everyone if that happened."

"So you'd miss me if I died then?" He had a small smirk playing at his lips and I rolled my eyes at the ridiculous question.

"No I'd be completely unfazed." I teased him as I reached round his torso to clip the bag in place. He was awfully warm and smelt amazing in the close proximity.

"And here I was thinking that we were becoming besties." He fake scoffed and clutched at his chest.

"Give me time to reevaluate my answer. Now get over there before Kenny kills you."

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