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November 13th 2019

"Are you sure you've got everything you need in that little bag O?"

"I promise you, I've packed plenty babe. Besides I'm going to my parents house, I've got things there too."

I simply nodded and leant back into his pillows as he folded the last of his T-shirt's and tucked it away into his suitcase ready to go home for the next few days. It was Thursday and he wasn't going to be back until late Sunday night/ early Monday morning and I wasn't sure how I was meant to be feeling about being away from him for four days. My mind knows that it's not actually that long, but when you've constantly been around someone for 2 months and then they leave it's a little bit of a hard one to get your head around.

Charlie had made a promise to keep me busy because Ky also had a jam packed school schedule for the next few days. The plan was to film perfect harmony, in fact they were recording the song as I speak and the first dress rehearsal is tomorrow; then filming all day Saturday. So truth be told, I was going to be occupied for the most part and I was really hoping that it would go by fast.


Owen was all of a sudden hovering over me on the bed and shooting me a puzzled look. He must've been trying to talk to me during my little zone out session.


"I don't have to go, I can stay?"

"What? Owen no! You deserve to go and see your family baby."

"I wish you could've come too." He sighed sadly and buried his head into my neck as he let himself lay down against me.

"So do I O, but we have plenty of time to go places together in the future. I'll miss you, but It'll help me knowing you'll be around the people you love."

We laid together, neither of us speaking and just simply enjoying the last few minutes before I had to go and drop him off at the airport. It was 3:40 and we had to leave by 4 if he was going to make his 6:30 pm flight.

"Did you already say goodbye to everyone else?" I asked as we moved slowly to the elevator, arms wrapped around one another.

"Yeah, last night on set and then of course Charlie and Ky this morning."

Again the car journey was silent, I think neither of us really knew what to say to each other and that was okay. I just let him play with my fingers and trace circles on the back of the hand I wasn't using to drive for the most part and It made me smile to myself as I drove along the Canadian roads.

Surprisingly, the airport drop off lane was relatively quiet so it allowed me to actually get out of the car with Him. I watched as he effortlessly picked his bag up from the boot and dropped it at our feet as he pulled me into his chest for one last hug. His chin was resting on top of my head and he rubbed my back soothingly.

"I'm gunna miss you Belle."

"And I'll miss you too handsome, but it's only four days and I'll be waiting right here when you text me that your plane has landed; I promise."

"I can't wait."

He pulled back slightly but only enough so that he could bend down and capture my lips in a breathtaking kiss. Nothing too heated because we were in public, but enough that I felt my whole body heat up.

"You gotta go babe, let me know when you get there safe."

With a final squeeze and a peck to the forehead he bent down to pull up the suitcase handle and walk away not letting go of my hand until he really had to. My back was leant against my car and I blew him a kiss that he acted like he was catching and then he disappeared into the automatic doors.

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