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October 30th 2019

"Baby, we need to get up." 

I felt my favourite pair of lips agains my cheek leaving little pecks in between his sentences.

"It's 8:00 we need to leave soon Belle."

Upon hearing what time it was I groaned because I knew he was right, I really did have to get up. I was well and truly exhausted after last night, but I'd cope with the lack of sleep any day to experience sex with Owen all over again.

"Morning Handsome."

My eyes were still closed as I mumbled the greeting and this made him chuckle lowly.

"Cmon, cling on."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm taking you to the shower with me, so hold on."

"Who says I want to shower with you huh?"

"Actions speak louder than words baby, and your legs wrapped around my waist right now are telling me that you do want to join me in the shower."

I hadn't even realised that I'd followed his instructions but he was right, I did want to join him.

"Okay, but only to save time." I winked causing him to roll his eyes but pick me up off of the bed anyway.

For the most part, the shower was innocent. We couldn't completely resist each other however so after we'd finally cleaned ourselves we were in a bit of a rush to get ready. I dried my hair as much as I could in 5 minutes before putting it up in a pony tail.

I got dressed in a pair of jeans and one of Owens T-shirt's tucked into my bra to make it seem cropped. I also stole his favourite sweatshirt that he wears all the time because it really is starting to get colder each day and plus, it smelt like him.

"I like it when you wear my clothes." He spoke up as I saw him walk up behind me in the mirror to wrap his arms around my waist.

"Last night you were telling me you liked me without any clothes at all, so which is it Joyner."

"I really like you all the time."

"Ditto babe."

I turned to reciprocate the hug and give him a sweet kiss but we were interrupted when the door to the apartment, and then Owens bedroom swung open.

"Guys! It's 8:45 we've been trying to call you. We're going to be late."

"Calm down Charles, we're ready C'mon."

"I'll drive." Kyra spoke from beside him and I looked at her confused.

"Do you have a day off today?"

"Yup, completed all my work for now."

"Does that mean we can go shopping tonight? I need a Halloween outfit."

"Of course, you know I love shopping."

I was excited to have her on set all day, she'd visited before of course but never actually spent a whole day when we were working before. I had an easy day, as usual I was styling my boy, we were filming more scenes just around Julie's home and so he probably wouldn't need too many touch ups.

After arriving on set we got the boys ready and were sat on their chairs as they filmed. As always my eyes were drawn to Owen and the way he just naturally slipped into his character.

"You had sex didn't you?" Kyra spoke from beside me and I quickly turned to her with a shocked look on my face.

"Ky oh my god shut up!"

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