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16th October 2019

Monday's are typically everyone's least favourite day of the week, but in a world where Kenny Ortega is your boss; every single work day is a Friday. I aspire to be like the man stood beside me in a huddle as we watch Charlie perform Mamma Mia in only a way that only he could. Kenny appreciates each and every single staff member on this set and in the month I've known him that has never changed. If he didn't know someone by name he made sure that he would drill it into himself until he did and never forgot it again. It's like the first day of set all over again, I was shocked he remembered me after only meeting him one other time months prior. He really was such a chill and genuine guy, so when he approached me this morning and asked me to have lunch with him because he had some things that he needed to discuss with me my heart dropped. It took me three days to get over my sickness and today was the first day that I felt one hundred percent, maybe I could fake its sudden return. I knew that wasn't plausible though and I couldn't help but wonder; What the fuck have I done?

The band was preparing to film 'Edge of Great' and lunch was happening after this next rehearsal. Charlie had been flooding Kenny with ideas like a little child eager to please and the way his face instantly lit up when he'd impressed him with the guitar solo made me forget about my mysterious lunch time plans.

"Okay okay, enough ABBA for now Gillespie, one last rehearsal and then lunch!" Kenny spoke and then started ushering people to their places.

Owen hung back and I felt him watching me as he took a sip from his comically large water bottle. When I turned to look at him his eyebrows were slightly furrowed and his eyes were dancing all over my face in a hope to get some information on my obvious nervousness. He finally stopped and fixated his gaze on my own before swallowing then speaking.

"Okay, Whats going on Belle? You love Mamma Mia and you didn't even mouth a single lyric just then!"

Instinctively my body moved closer to him desperately needing to feel his calming presence. I was silent as he momentarily checked how much time we had, I looked too and saw that Madison and Charlie were discussing the blocking further with Kenny.

"Kenny said he wants to have lunch with me, that there's something he needs to talk to me about. What if I get fired?"

Owen laughed, like deep belly bellowed and I slapped his elbow hastily to bring his attention back to me and how seriously panicked I was. His eyebrows were now raised, I usually loved how expressive he was with them but now I couldn't think about anything other than my impending doom.

"Bella are you insane? That man, and everyone else on this set, especially me adores the life out of you. You've never put a foot wrong and you know it!"

"That doesn't mean I can't get fired!!"

"You're over thinking this so much, it's probably a good thing. You're too amazing to ever lose."

His tone changed at the end of the sentence and I knew he meant it in more ways than one. We'd had a deep little conversation when I was dosed up on painkillers and got sappy and scared that I wasn't good enough for the boy who was taking such good care of me. He'd reassured me there and then that it was in-fact the prescribed drugs in my system making me voice my concerns, but also knew that it must've been the way I felt deep down inside and had been saying little things with deeper meanings ever since.

"You think so?"

"I know so."

His forehead was fully rested against my own at this point and I was eternally thankful that the majority of crew were busy as I was not really one for full blown workplace PDA. He connected his lips with mine sweetly but just as soon as they did, he jumped away with a Yelp, hand coming up to clutch his skull. The drumstick rolling on the floor behind him was clearly the culprit and I looked to see Mads, Jer and Charlie all staring at Owen expectedly.

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