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29 th September 2019.

The last week and a half of filming had been extremely hectic. We reworked some scenes that had been shot earlier and Kenny wanted to add more to or change. I'd grown even closer to everyone and so had Kyra because she joined me whenever she wasn't busy with university work. Today was the second day of filming 'the other side of Hollywood.' Because it was such a complex scene it was going to take at least the entirety of this week to finish it and I was honestly wiped out.

This part of the shoot was taking place at night and it was currently almost midnight. I was on a bean bag in the break room because Kenny sent a few of us away and said he was going to call us when we'd be needed. I was halfway to falling asleep when I felt the other side of my 'bed' dip. I knew who it was instantly because his smell took over my senses.

"Hey O." His head rested on my shoulder and I smiled lightly at the contact. Our friendship has definitely gotten flirty and physical to some extent. I spent pretty much every day with the boy, whether it was at work, or just hanging out I knew that I was starting to develop feelings for him.

"Hey." He whispered back.

"How's the scene going?"

"Kenny gave us some time because he said he needs to rework some of the choreo with Paul and tori." He mumbled and I could just tell he was about as tired as I was.

"How long have you got?"

"An hour I think."

"Power nap?"

"Oh my! Miss Johnson are you suggesting that we sleep together?" He faked an overly posh British accent.

"Well, I'm going sleep with or without you Mr Joyner."

He rolled onto his side and I also felt a blanket drape over me at the same time as his arm. My eyes fell shut and I was beginning to drift off when I heard the whispers of others entering the shared space.

"Well isn't that just the cutest little picture." Charlie spoke.

"Charles, don't you dare disturb them." Mads warned him.

"Madison Reyes." He scoffed and without opening my eyes I could imagine him pretending to be offended. "What do you take me for?"

"A butthead."

"Can't argue with that one. Shall we work on perfect harmony?" He asked her and she must've agreed because I heard the faint strumming of a guitar at the other side of the room, acting as a lullaby and speeding up the process of me falling asleep.


"Psst. Owen. Bella."

"They're knocked right out."

My back was flat against something and I remembered that I had fallen asleep with Owen when his grip tightened on my waist.

"Guys." This time, they shook our bodies and Owen spoke into my hair.

"Fuck off charlie."

"I can't buddy. We've got 10 minutes and you need to get ready, Kenny needs everyone back."

I found his hand on my stomach and pulled it away which made him stand up with me after a few protests. I grabbed my kit and fixed up his hair and the make up hiding his eye bags and we both went back to the set together.

They needed me to help with the dancers styling and make up and so I'm pretty sure that for the next 4 hours I didn't get to stop once.  We were let go at 5am and I sluggishly walked back to my car.

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