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I was watching behind the scenes as they were filming the scene where Julie meets the boys. It was 4 pm and we'd had lunch after doing the first few takes. I'd made sure Owens outfit was all good Before we continued shooting and he'd declared he was on my side and was also going to call them Bum Bags because he didn't want to use a term that only relates to women, bless him. He really could just talk to anyone, same with Charlie so when they invited me to eat lunch with them, Jeremy and mads I happily obliged. Getting to know each of them a little bit more.

I'd not had to do many touch ups until in between takes Charlie and Owen had got into a play fight and somehow, the metal buckle on his hat had got stuck in the front of his hair.

"Please don't tell me you're going to have to chop it off." He spoke dramatically moving to look up at me but wincing when he realised that pulled his tangled locks.

"I'm so sorry but there's nothing more I can do." I spoke teasingly channeling my inner greys anatomy doctor.

"Oh my god Charlie I'm gunna fuck you up. My poor hair."

"I'm joking Owen, I'll do all I can to avoid that, if you don't sit still it's going to keep hurting." I was using the end of a tail comb to carefully unlatch the hairs.

"I'm sorry that your having to fix that goons mess." He jabbed a thumb into Charlie's ribs and the others around us who now had an extended break due to this, laughed at their bickering.

"You're actually like a pair of toddlers? And I'm meant to be the young one?" Madison spoke making me smile and agree.

I finally managed to get it unstuck a few minutes later and he sighed in relief as I used the actual comb to brush his hair backwards and place the hat back on his head.

"How are we going to survive months of this huh?" Kenny was also amused. I'd learnt that about him today, whilst he did like to get things done he knew that people needed to have fun in this kind of a job and kind of went with the flow if things went wrong.

"Thanks Bella, I owe you one."

"Don't be silly just doing my job."


It was 7:30 by the time I arrived back to mine and Kyra's Flat. She was sat at the breakfast bar eating some pasta and garlic bread and grinned as me with her mouth stuffed when she saw me.

"Oh my gosh finish your food first." I faked a gag and went over the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"I saved you some left overs to warm up." She spoke once her food had finally been swallowed and I thanked her before putting my plate in the microwave.

"How was it?" Again, she asked in between mouthfuls.

"I really enjoyed it actually. The cast are great, none of them are bratty or anything I had to dress one of the main boys today and Kenny liked the first picture I sent so that was a confidence boost."

"Oooo, were there any good looking ones? Do you have pictures to show me?"

"They were quite good looking to be honest. I do have pictures because I had to make sure if I get either of the boys and they need to be in the same outfit that I have good reference pictures." I gave her my phone and let her scroll through the pictures.

"This one is definitely your type." I looked over and saw Owen on the screen and scoffed at her.

"I don't have a particular type Kyra."

"That's what we all say, but you and I both know you'd go for the blonde and I'd go for the brunette."

"Which brunette, because one of them is engaged haha. Also aren't you seeing someone?"

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