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Hey guys! Thank you to anyone who has read this far, I appreciate it so so much. I just wanted to pop in and leave a little disclaimer; I obviously have no clue what Owen's family life actually consists of so I've somewhat made it up just to fit the story. Also, I live in England so all of the information about Oklahoma is what I found on google. If anything is factually incorrect I apologise but I think I did a decent amount of research to make sure that didn't happen and this chapter has ended up a little longer than usual (if it's too long I also apologise for that). I hope anyone that reads is doing well, and that you all enjoy this chapter :) x


December 23rd 2019.

It was almost 5pm by the time that we pulled up outside the house I spent my childhood in. I was back in Norman, Oklahoma and extremely happy to have Bella by my side. We simultaneously got out of our seats and she joined me on the sidewalk after we each stretched our muscles that were completely sore from 3 days worth of driving. I was surprised that my mom hadn't come sprinting out of the door already but I took advantage of that situation by letting Arlo out and holding his leash as he sniffed the new surroundings. I pulled Bella against my chest in a hug for a few small moments of calm before the chaos ensued. My free hand rubbed up and down her back softly and she hummed gratefully against my chest.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to speak, the front door flew open to reveal my Mom and Luka rushing out towards us, dad not far behind but letting them have their moments.

"My Bärchen!" My mom exclaimed as she crushed me in a hug.

"Hey mom." I chuckled at her excitement but held her just as tight.

I heard light chatter from beside me and moved my eyes to see Luka talking to Bella. They both had big smiles on their faces and stepped forward into their own embrace, making me release some anxious energy I didn't know I was holding. I'd been confident from the start that my family would adore her, but actually seeing it in person is warming my heart.

"I still can't believe just how grown up you look every-time you come home."

"I look the same Mom!"

"How was the drive? Everything go to plan?" My dad asked joining in our little hug.

"Everything went well yeah, we hit traffic on the way but Bella and Arlo are enough to keep anyone from getting bored."

Mom gasped before abruptly pulling away from us and turning to Bella. Again, I smiled widely as their exchange unfolded and my dad stood beside me to watch aswell.

"There's my future daughter-in-Law!!"

Bella's eyes widened and her cheeks immediately flushed red at my moms straightforwardness but she gathered herself quickly for a reply.

"Hello Mrs Joyner, it's lovely to finally meet you in person."

"Now now young lady how many times have I told you to call me Dinah? Formalities make me seem even older than I already am."

"Oh Dinah, I can promise you don't look a day over 30!"

At this, my mom immediately stepped forward and engulfed her into what seemed to be quite the bone crushing hug. I heard my dad chuckle and Luka giggle as she eventually turned her attention to me.

"Hey Stranger."

"Hey Lu, how's college treating ya?"

Again we hugged, and she explained to me how her semester was going. It sounded rough, but then I suppose any medical student would probably tell you the same. I met Bella's eyes over Luka's shoulder and she was still being swayed side to side by my mom.

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