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November 7th 2019.

The week since Halloween went by painfully slow, we were just filming scenes with no performances in them because they were still perfecting the recordings of the last few songs. Mads and Charlie had been spending every spare minute they had finalising perfect harmony and finally showed it to Kenny a couple of days ago and he was as impressed as we all had been. They were also going to record that in a couple of days meaning that there was a whole new scene getting added to the show.

I got my period this week and I felt really fucking bad for Owen. There's occasions where my bad mental health days line up with my cycle and this month it seemed to be one of them. I'd been trying to keep some space in between us at first to avoid snapping at him but when I realised that was actually making him more upset I had to stop. Besides, he always makes me feel better about myself when no one else can. Today is the first day that I'd felt like myself since the killer hangover and I've spent the majority of it apologising to the adorable blonde that's currently falling asleep with his head in my lap. It was 4:30 and we were in Owens trailer, we don't spend anywhere near enough time in here, and it's nice because it's just us two. Filming was over for the day but Kenny apparently had something he wanted to tell everyone before we go home tonight.

"Baby, you can't sleep yet we gotta go see Kenny remember."

As usual one hand was running through his ridiculously soft hair and he was holding my other against his chest.

"I'm so tired though Belle."

"I know, I'm sorry. We can try nap for a little bit when we get home?" I leant down and kissed his forehead.

"Okay." He sighed and stayed in place for a couple of moments before finally stumbling up off of the sofa, pulling me with him.

I was tucked under his arm as we walked to the main studio where Kenny was currently waiting for everyone. Of course we were the last ones here, that was quite often the case. We went to sit down with Jer and Charlie, there was enough seats for us to sit separately but as I tried to move away Owen tugged me into his lap and rested his head on my shoulder.

"So guys, I have a fun little announcement to make for you all. As you know I'm very familiar with the Disney channel stars and our beloved Jonas Brothers have recently started their Reunion tour."

Everyone's interest all of a sudden heightened when he mentioned the name of the popular boyband.

"So I know a few people on their team and we have a section reserved for us guys at their show tonight. If any of you want to come you're welcome to and we'll meet outside the arena at 8:00 okay?"

Kenny truly had outdone himself, again. Each person in the room seemed much more excited at the idea of having a break from the hectic filming schedule, even sleepy Owen seemed wide awake now. We were on our way over to thank Kenny like everyone else and he actually found our group before we could locate him.

"You guys can bring Kyra too, I know she's a big part of that little family dynamic you've got going on."

"Thank you Kenneth."

"You know Bella, I might start revoking your privileges one day if you keep calling me Kenneth."

He joked and we all crushed him into a group hug before Owen and I left to drive home with Charlie. The boys went to get some clothes to change into later and I told Kyra about the plans for tonight, we used to be such camp rock stans so this is a night where we are going to really enjoy ourselves. I was in the bathroom taking off the makeup I'd worn to set when Owen returned. He immediately spun me around and his hips pressed my own against the counter top.

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