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December 31st 2019.

"Hey babe have you seen my keys?" Owen shouted through to me from the kitchen as I attempted to get ready.

We'd arrived back from Oklahoma 2 hours ago and it was now past 8pm so I was getting ready for the night out. Arlo had been dropped off at the boarding section of Home at Last because we leave for our flight to Hawaii at 7:30 am tomorrow morning so I didn't want to have to rush leaving him, needing to say a proper goodbye that would be enough for the next 10 days.

"Bella? Baby did you hear me? I can't find my car keys." He shouted through again but this time he was closer and soon enough I heard the door creak further open.

"Sorry O, erm, have you checked the table next to the door? Surely you put them there when we came back in."

Owen and Charlie's apartment lease ended just before we left for The holidays so whatever they didn't ship back to their respective homes in LA was in this apartment and it made things just that little bit harder to find. It was also kind of important we did find them because he was meant to be at the airport picking up Charlie and Ky in 10 minutes.

"I've checked there and then checked again thinking I was going insane I just can't find them anywhere, you name it I've looked." He huffed.

I put down my eyeshadow palette and swivelled in my chair just in time to see him flop down onto the bed, and as he did a jingling object flew up into the air and landed a bit closer to the edge. Owen immediately lifted his head to investigate and when he saw the keys he shot up and clutched them into his hand ready to leave. I left out my teasing and returned back to my previous task in hand, which was an eyeshadow look when I felt him behind me. He leant down and kissed the top of my head lovingly so I turned to peck his arm that was draped down my front.

"I won't be long Belle, I'll text you if the traffic is bad."

"Please don't, you concentrate on driving and get one of them to text me Handsome."

"Alright I'll do that. You look beautiful by the way." I blushed instantly at the compliment, feeling his hand leave my body as he slowly left the room. "See you soon, I love you."

"I love you."

I managed to squeeze in my reply just as I the front door shut and I was left to get ready alone. I didn't like the silence or lack of company, it had been so long since I was just alone completely. Whether that meant me being with the cast and Kyra or just having Arlo in my presence, I've not been by myself in a long time. In order to drown out how weird it felt I turned my volume on my tv all the way up and made sure to watch criminal minds the best I could whilst doing make up until they got back.


By the time we were all reunited and ready it was after 11 and time to leave if we wanted to make it down to the waterside for the fireworks. It wasn't too far away from the building we lived in so all of us chose to walk down. I'm glad I chose to wear jeans and a nice top instead of a dress because it's freezing as always. Owens warm hand encased my own and we made it down to where the fireworks were going to be held in plenty of time.

"Hey guys we're going to go get some drinks, what do you both want?" Charlie asked, as usual bouncing on the balls of his feet because he always seems to have a multitude of energy.

"I'll have a double vodka lemonade please Char."




"Just whatever beer they have will be fine, thanks bro."

I watched, smiling widely as they both linked arms and skipped off into the large crowd, completely not giving a shit about some of the strange looks they were getting. Owen pulled me closer to him, our fronts pressed completely together and his arms wrapped over my shoulders. I immediately responded to the action, Hugging him underneath his jacket to get some warmth from his body.

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