Chapter 9

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*Nitish Pov*

"Why are you so happy?" I asked looking at her smiling face after we finished ordering our food.

It's already past lunchtime as we went for a movie and from then on she didn't stop smiling at all.

"I finally enjoyed a movie with no one actually sighing or groaning because of their disinterest in watching it." She replied taking a sip from the water bottle.

"Who? Your Crush friend?" I asked raising my eyebrow and she rolled her eyes.

"Please, just call them my friends. And they both do it as I normally force them to come to a theatre but they will start loving the movies soon." She nodded to herself.

"One of my friends is entering into the business of operating the movie halls. So, he must start investing time more than before." She added while I gave her a nod.

"I have a few contacts who can help him if he wants to. In the beginning, there will be troubles that will slow down the process. It's better if he gets some support both financially and also regarding management." I offered and she slowly nodded smiling.

"He can do it perfectly but still will take your help if there seems to be a need. Thank you for the offering." She mumbled.

"It's for your Crush friend, right? The way you just praised that he can do it perfectly shows it." I teased her and she groaned hearing those words.

"Stop labeling them like that." She pleaded while I chuckled.

It's really nice to tease her like this and the way her expression changes within a second for everything is really entertaining.

"Why don't you tell me their names? And let's stop being this ambiguous about other things. In the beginning, we thought we will never meet again and that's how we didn't share anything. But now we are close friends, right?" I asked and she nodded but shook her head.

"No! If I actually ask you to help him with the contacts in the future and end up meeting him then you will just laugh at him while thinking about my experience. So, I will not tell you their names." She shook her head.

"And I will hope that they don't meet you at least for now as I already created enough troubles for their love lives." She added while I sighed.

"Don't be hard on yourself. You just fell in love and are still confused about things. It's normal to have such problems and just let it be." I mumbled and she smiled nodding.

After we finished our lunch, she searched for the locations I mentioned in the messages to which I didn't go but heard people mentioning them.

"Shall we take a bus or a cab?" she asked after deciding on the museum.

"Bus?" I asked and she nodded before we got into the bus after waiting for some time and sat beside each other.

"So, what about your first love? Still missing her?" she suddenly asked glancing at me.

"I don't know! I didn't see her for more than two years and we don't even contact each other right now as she is busy with her career. So, I don't know whether I am missing her or not because I know I will not be meeting her anytime soon." I explained and she patted on my hand before glancing outside to stare at the passing vehicles.

"When is your birthday?" she asked turning around to stare at me.

"Three months later on the last day of the month." I replied before asking her the same.

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