Chapter 29

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*Anitha Pov*

"No need to wait for me, Manoj." I said arranging the mask properly after he stopped the car near the back entrance of the restaurant.

"Noted! Give me a call if you want me to pick you up." He said nodding at me while I calmly stepped out of the car.

He waited until I stepped inside before driving away and I somehow stopped near the steps I need to take to get inside the kitchen part which must be empty during this time as it's already midnight.

I was supposed to be here a few hours back but got dragged into a party for celebrating the welcome of the new actor who joined the shooting today for the first time and he is none other than Laksh.

All this time with the way the schedule is moving, I couldn't sit for a second and think about the important matter at all.

Was I hurt hearing that conversation? Maybe! But am I scared? Definitely! I took a deep breath hoping to not show my insecurities near him which would just hurt him or even make the relationship between us get crumbled.

I need to figure out myself and believe the relationship and even after trying I can't then I can be vocal about it near him.

I shouldn't forget the fact that I got involved with him after knowing everything. Here I definitely can't cry out saying he liked her in the past and may still like her.

"Are you not going to step in?" I got startled hearing his voice as he suddenly opened the door of the kitchen and I slipped a bit from the first step I took but he held my hand.

"You scared me!" I mumbled returning his hold and held his hand tightly.

"Sorry! I heard you reaching but saw you just standing there for the past few minutes." He explained while tugging my hand and I took two more steps to reach his side.

"Are you drunk?" he asked looking at my face clearly with the lighting from the kitchen after we stepped inside.

"No! Just had some champagne." I replied smiling before explaining the party I had to go and that's why I was late.

"You already messaged me earlier that you will be late so I didn't wait." He said and I slowly nodded to which he frowned.

"Aren't you going to tease me that why am I here if I was not waiting for you?" he asked and I realized that would have been my general dialogue.

"Why?" I asked clearing my throat and he just stared at me in silence.

"Hungry?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Let's go! You look tired. Do you have a break for tomorrow or need to go somewhere?" he asked walking towards the stairs holding my hand and I followed him calmly.

"Break!" I replied and after that, we both were silent while climbing the stairs to reach his flat.

However, I paused after stepping inside his flat to see the flower petals arranged on the table near the couch with a box in between them.

"What is this?" I asked gesturing at the table.

"First freshen up a bit." He replied continuing to walk towards the bedroom and didn't leave my hand while I was taking out the nightwear from the cupboard where I placed a few sets of my clothes.

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asked when I just walked towards the washroom door without leaving his hand.

"Oh!" I mumbled before reluctantly leaving his hand.

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