Chapter 40

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*Vikranth Pov*

Did I again drink too much even after deciding on not to do it again? I thought frowning because of the headache and opened my eyes only to stare at her eyes in return.

What is she doing here? Before I could think I heard both our phones ringing continuously and I searched for mine and found it is Dad.

I lifted the call feeling confused as to why is he calling me but his next words froze me completely.

"Is this how you want to take care of GH and the people involved? There are continuous articles about Prathap and the actress you signed in the agency in the beginning that they spent the night together and many other vulgar things are being said." I collected myself and mumbled how I didn't know but the disappointment in his voice is just freezing my thoughts completely.

Then I glanced at Kanika to find her staring at me with a shocked face and explained what happened yesterday and that this is actually true that they both got photographed.

"Did I trust you to be capable of this position too soon?" my legs shivered hearing those words but I calmly said I will handle it before he cut the call.

His words continued to ring in my head while I turned to ask Kanika why did she allow this to happen. I can expect anyone else to be careless about this matter but she should know this is not just about GH and Prathap but her friend also.

I continued to lash out and took a deep breath but suddenly heard her apologizing and using 'Sir' to mention me while I just shook my head.

After asking her to get ready, I opened my cupboard only to pause to see the space beside my clothes. I have seen it a few times already but I am still not used to it.

While getting ready, I tried to call Prathap and Anny but both are not picking up the call at all. I held onto the wall feeling the headache just raised another level but I took a deep breath to compose myself but his voice is still ringing in my ears.

I don't want to disappoint him more than anything in this world. I am fine if he is angry at me or even scolds me but he never does that completely.

I don't want to bring another problem that troubles him and that was my aim from the day he adopted me but here I... I closed my eyes and opened the door only to find her still not ready.

I checked my time and started climbing down the stairs and heard her following me. The anger just raised on everyone else the more I couldn't reach Prathap. What were they thinking?

"Why did you let her be the one to drop him at his place? How much time would it have taken? Two minutes or maybe five minutes." I asked feeling tired with this and frowned when she used the same word 'Sir' while apologizing.

"Kanika! Why are you..." my words got cut off as Jay called me.

"Sir! Pramod Sir left for Prathap Sir's restaurant to get him and he seems really angry. Even Ashok Sir and Mohan Sir seem really angry." Jay whispered and I can understand why is he reporting this especially.

Everyone has seen Pramod Uncle angry but one has seen my Dad or Mohan Uncle angry about anything.

"Pramod Uncle went to the restaurant? Okay! Keep me updated if they come before I reach." I ordered and rubbed my forehead sighing.

I messaged Anny to come to the office when she sees the message and asked her manager to let me know if she comes to the hotel.

They will definitely direct their anger towards Kanika because of the start of this incident and so I glanced at her saying, "Don't say anything at all and I will explain everything to them. If they ask for any details, then only say anything."

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