Chapter 41

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*Prathap Pov*

Seriously! How many times it's already been? I am finally holding her and she is finally not pushing me away.

But they just had to ruin this moment whoever they are. I reluctantly let her go when she tapped my shoulders and reluctantly let her walk towards the door to open it.

I am going to fire that person for sure! With that thought, I stood up without getting hit again but found Manoj standing there with a worried expression.

"I got a call from Keerthi. She got contractions and is getting transferred to the hospital." He rushed the words.

"What? You should have just gone already. Why are you still here?" Anitha asked walking away with him while I followed them.

"I didn't want to repeat the mistake." He mumbled while I glanced down.

"I will take you to the hospital. I don't think you should be driving now." She said forwarding the hand for the keys.

"No! How can I let you do that?" he asked shaking his head.

"I will drive you guys." I said stepping forward and he frowned at me but passed the keys after giving a glance at Anitha.

"Let's go!" I passed them to rush to the car parked on the other side of the road and drove it to reach their side.

He sat beside me while she sat in the back saying, "Don't worry! She talked to you on the phone and must be fine."

"I know! But I am just scared." He mumbled while I tried to drive faster but also careful to not get into any kind of accident.

He just sat there while rubbing his hands continuously over his lap and taking deep breaths. I never expected him to react like this at all as I always saw him with a blank face except to glare at me.

"Don't worry!" I mumbled but he couldn't stop doing that at all.

And the moment I stopped the car near the entrance, he rushed out without waiting for a second and I turned to glance at Anitha's shocked expression.

"Thank you! How you will go back?" she asked after controlling her expression.

"I will be here! I don't have anything to do and will be of some help." I replied driving the car to park it and she stayed silent.

After she covered her face, we both got out and walked into the hospital in silence. I stepped forward to ask about the patient's room while she stood beside me tapping her right foot and biting her lip.

"Thank you!" I nodded smiling at the receptionist before holding Anitha's hand and followed the instruction to reach her manager's room.

"You need to calm down!" I whispered before she could enter the room.

"I am not freaking out." She nodded but her hand is shaking in my hold.

"I know!" I whispered holding it tightly before we both stepped in to find her standing up near the bed while holding Manoj's hand.

"Anny? Why are you here?" she asked with a pained expression the moment we came into her view.

"Are you okay?" Anitha asked rushing towards her and I let her hand go.

"Yeah! No! I don't know!" I looked around feeling awkward and calmly stepped out of the room.

I don't know how long we need to wait so I messaged Deepak about the situation and he replied saying he will handle everything and will contact me if he needs my presence.

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