Chapter 34

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*Kanika Pov*

"Did you win a lottery?" I glanced up from the design I just made with her instructions before frowning at the screen.

"What do you mean?" I asked not understanding why is she asking such a question suddenly.

"I just felt like you did." Then I glanced at the screen that is showing my face and I realized I am kind of glowing.

"I did! Even though it will not be in my hands now but I really won a lottery." I mumbled smiling and she scoffed.

"Even I want to win a lottery so that I will not struggle after I finish my work here. It will take a lot of effort to open a new brand and I don't trust..." she suddenly stopped talking and maybe she realized that she is sharing too much.

"You are right! It will take a lot of effort to open a new brand and mainly for me when I have never done this before unlike you. So, I need to ask you something." I mumbled realizing this is my chance.

I already planned on this when she talked about how I should dream big and I didn't know how to bring it up.

However, now that she brought it up herself, I can take a chance and try to make her accept this proposal.

"What is it? Do you want pointers even after the classes finish? We can do that and you just need to pay." She replied but I shook my head.

"I... I want you to be my business partner." I stated and for a few minutes, she didn't say anything while I calmly waited for her reaction.

"I like you, Kanika! And I will stop liking you if we really become business partners as I stopped trusting anyone I do business with. I don't trust the people for whom I work and the people who work for me. It is better if we stay on good terms." She explained while I frowned but didn't give up.

"It's fine for me as my dream is more important than anything else. I will bring the capital and you need to guide me to help me in learning the ropes of the business world. Even I don't trust anyone but I trust your professional capability. No need to decide now as there is still time but just think about it." Saying that I cut the meeting as the class was already over.

I sat there in silence thinking whether I did the right thing by talking about it this soon but now I have more time to persuade her.

I know that even if I learn all the techniques of designing, I will have to face difficulties if I start my own business. It is best to have a partner who knows about all this and that will give me some time to be the best at the work I want to do.

When I stepped out of the study room, I found him staggering the steps and trying to not fall down.

"Need help?" I asked looking at him from the top step and didn't feel any kind of fear to be in the same space as him when he is drunk.

"Yes!" he replied holding onto the railing.

I climbed down the steps and held his hand before placing my other hand around his waist while helping him to climb up.

"I didn't expect you to be a drunkard at all." I mumbled when we finally reached the top step.

"I am not! I just drink when I am sad and when I am happy." He commented closing his eyes and leaning over me.

"And you feel those both frequently." I mumbled walking towards his room and asked for the key.

He calmly took it out and I opened the door before letting him go at the entrance but he didn't budge from my shoulder asking, "My Dad trusts me now, right? That's why he made me the CEO, right?"

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