Half as Much: 2/5/15

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9:07pm Thursday, Friday 5

I've gotta face facts, he doesn't like me. I mean, yeah sure he hugged me today and smelled really good, and he asked me to sit by him in art, we chat a bit and joke around. But, really? To be real, Rob probably lost interest. Perhaps I texted him too much, maybe I annoy him, maybe I'm a terrible kisser. Whatever the case, I liked him. I still do. A lot. The problem is, I like him so much more than he likes me, it's not cute. I stalk his tumblr, I write about him, dream about him. Fuck. I'm ridiculous. I'm infatuated. I hate how I always fall so fucking hard and the guy I like always seems to care not even half as much as I do. When will I learn?

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